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Begin your love at Maison Ikkoku

A heartwarming romantic-comedy about the residents of Maison Ikkoku (House of One Moment), an old, run-down apartment house. Staying in room 5 is Yusaku Godai(right), a shy college student who has fallen in love with the beautiful apartment manager, Ms. Kyoko Otonashi(center). But Kyoko was recently widowed; her husband Soichiro passed away barely six months after their wedding, and remarrying is the last thing on her mind. At least, not right now.Then there are the other tenants: the mooching Mr. Yotsuya, the always scantily-clad Akemi, and the rumor-mongering Mrs. Ichinose, who enjoy getting the two of them in awkward situations. Added to this are the other characters who are also vieing for one or the other's affections, creating further mayhem. So begins Yusaku's task of winning Kyoko's heart.

One of the most touching scenes in Maison Ikkoku.
It was playing this BGM during the monent.

Now playing Akatsuki ni Kane wa Naru ( A Bell Rings At Dawn)

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Created by Winston Tay Updated on 1 November 1996
The Moment of Together

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