Screen output from The Starman's perl installation
(minus many of the simple copy-file lines):


Welcome to the Perl Binary Distribution for the Intel Win32

Before proceeding, please make sure you have at least 20MB of
free space on the destination volume.

It is an excellent idea to actually read the README file before
getting on with it.  Hope you managed to.

Where would you like Perl to be installed? [c:\perl]
Ok to create `c:\perl'? [y]
mkdir c:\perl
mkdir c:\perl\lib
Do you have a C compiler? [y]
Do you have the Borland C++ 5.x compiler? [y]
Where is Borland C++ installed? [c:\bc5]
The compiler's include files are in... [c:\bc5\include]
The compiler's libraries are in... [c:\bc5\lib]

Install HTML documentation? (needs 4.5MB) [y]
Where should HTML be installed? [c:\perl\html]

`c:\perl\html' is probably accessible from your web server
by a different name than its actual physical location.  The default
below will have the appropriate value to access it as a local file
from your web browser, but you probably want to enter something like......
`/perldocs', if that is how you intend accessing the perl document
root via your web server.

(Yeah, I know.  We should be generating transportable HTML instead
of this rooted-pathname mess.)

Root of the perl HTML tree? [/c|/perl/html]

We're now ready to copy files.

Perl will be installed in `c:\perl'.

HTML documentation will be installed in `c:\perl\html'.
Document URLs will begin at `/c|/perl/html'.

Proceed? [y]

Copying distribution from 
`C:\perl5.00402-bindist04-bc\perl' to `c:\perl'

And starting again at the tail end of all the files that were copied:


     1207 File(s) copied

Generating HTML from PODs...

This will take a while, please be patient

mkdir c:\perl\html
installhtml --podroot=perl --htmldir=c:\perl\html --htmlroot=/c|/perl/html
--recurse --libpod=perlfunc:perlguts:perrlvar:perlrun:perlop

Generating new `c:\perl\lib\'

Perl has been successfully installed at `c:\perl'.

To start using Perl please add the following location to your
`Path' environment variable:


You can do this in the `Environment' tab of the `System' Control Panel
(accessible by mousing "Start" -> "Settings" -> "Control Panel").

You can also set the `PERL5LIB' environment variable to a `;' separated
list of paths if you later install modules in locations other than

Setting PERL5LIB is not required if you want to simply use the stuff
that got installed just now.

Have a nice day.

Note: The `Environment' tab mentioned above is true ONLY in Windows™ NT -- there is NO "Environment Tab" in Windows™9x !   Just recently (JAN 2001) though, I finally found an MS utility that was made to set 'global' Environment strings (not just in the DOS-window that's open) for Win 9x! I sure could have used this a long time ago! Get it from The Starman's Realm now: ../DOS/

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EOF. The Starman. 24 JUN 1999.