My Opinion of Home Alone Pizza Incident



In the movie Home Alone, the whole McAllister family was about to leave for a Christmas Family Vacation in paris. The night before they left, there were 15 people in the House sleeping under one roof. The Main McAllister family consisted of Peter & Kate McAllister the parents. Buzz the oldest, Megan the second oldest, then Jeff then Linnie & of course young Kevin. The others that were staying were Peter's brother Frank, his wife Leslie & of course their children Tracy, Sondra, Brooke & Fuller. Also were two of his other brother Rob's & his wife Georgette's children Heather who was going to college near where Frank lived & Rod who was finishing up high school in the USA. Rob & Georgette lived in paris. The night before they left for paris they all had differences but young Kevin was always getting picked on mostly by his own siblings. When Kevin asked what should I pack, Jeff teases him saying toilet paper & water. Linnie says he's incompetent. Plus Megan refuses to help him get a suitcase down from the closet. Buzz the oldest is the worst of all yelling at him a lot teasing him from time to time & calling him flemwad. The night before they left for paris, they didn't want to go through the trouble of cooking something for 15 people, so they ordered pizza for everybody.



Kevin was anxiously waiting all evening for the pizza. He could hardly believe he was getting pizza for dinner. As soon as it was time to eat, he raced downstairs yelling pizza pizza & was anxiously waiting to sink his teeth into many pieces of pizza. Like alot of people, Kevin, didn't like pepperoni, sausage onions or olives or mushrooms or any kinds of toppings on pizza, he only liked plain cheese pizza. The Pizza Boy from the pizza palace did deliver ten medium size pizzas for a 15 member family. When Kevin was racing for his share of some pizza slices, he searched for just cheese pizza but all he could find was alot with all the toppings he hated. He asked did anybody order me a plain cheese pizza, & Buzz his mean older brother said we did but if you want all of it got eaten. Plus Buzz teased, somebody's got to barf it all up. So that angered Kevin very much. When Buzz was pretending to barf & yelled get a plate Kevin, Kevin pummelled Buzz right in the stomach because he was angry at him for teasing him & telling him there was no cheese pizza left. That did cause a big fiasco. When Kevin butted Buzz in the stomach, Buzz leaned back & caused both milk & Pepsi to spill, on pizza slices the passports Uncle Franks pants & other things. Plus a chair knocked Fuller's face into the table. Also at that same time Kevin & Buzz were having a big fist fight. Of course Kate yelled who started this? Kevin yelled he did, he ate my cheese pizza on purpose. Then Uncle Frank out of rudeness yells look what you did you little jerk. Then without fairness Kate yells Kevin get upstairs right now. When Kevin asks why, the other older brother Jeff yells because you're such a disease Kevin. Of course Kevin defends himself telling him to shut up. But Peter yells upstairs & Kate has to bring him upstairs herself. Of course in my opinion, Kevin was not treated fairly right that evening. I am sure that its very rarely that the McAllister Family has pizza for dinner & the one night they have it he gets sent upstairs to bed way up in the attic without any supper. That upset him alot. Buzz should have been punished too. He started the whole thing teasing Kevin about there being no more cheese pizzas left. After all when a whole family usually orders ten pizzas, at least 4 of them are cheese not just one. Also Kevin could have handled this differently if there were no other cheese pizzas, he could have scraped off the toppings he hated with a knife & still had 3 or 4 slices of cheese pizza. Also when Jeff put his two cents in uninvited saying you are such a disease, most mothers & fathers usually say in a case like that ," I don't want to hear a word out of you, or you get punished too". Plus an Uncle like Frank McAllister, it wasn't nice of him to call him a jerk. They let Buzz stay & continue having pizza & all Kevin gets is bed without supper. What if he was hungry? I mean Kate could have brought two more slices up to him in the attic. I am sure that he was happy when he first got left home alone, cause on night 2, he did get his very own cheese pizza finally, plus he got one in the limo in New York City next year.



That is my opinion of the Home Alone pizza incident. If any Web Surfer has comments or opinions of their own to add to the Pizza incident in the Home Alone Movie please Email them to me & they will be added to mine.


My friend from Southern Connecticut State University Marisa Meneo said:

You are absolutely right about the pizza incident. First of all, Kevin is just a young boy, but his brother is older and should know better than to annoy and tease him. I don't think it was a lot to ask for some plain pizza either. It is not very fair that Kevin was the one to get yelled at and sent to bed without dinner. I think in his case, He comes from a big family and sometimes his parents get caught up in all of the chaos.


Nancy from SCSU said of all scenes in Home Alone, I thought the pizza scene showed true sibling rivalry in that Kevin had to fight for his position in the family.

Sarah Kate from Down Under one of the people whose guestbook I signed & who signed my guestbook wrote:

Well, I've seen Home Alone and that scene broke my heart. For a start, the older brother should have been punished for being so horrible to Kevin. Also, the uncle should have known better, what sort of an example is he setting the children? He is only teaching them that it's okay to use insulting language and verbally abuse people if they do something you don't like. But most of all, sending him to bed with no dinner I feel, is a minor form of child abuse. Kevin suffered by going to bed with no dinner,he would have been hungry and upset, his parents caused this suffering and could have prevented it so they are responsible for the child's suffering.

Well, that's my two cents worth



Andrea of her Fifties Nostalgia Website says: That was really unfair how Kevin's parents punished him without punishing his other siblings.



The kid who was accidentally left Home Alone is a disturbed kid. There are lots of disturbed kids just like him. To find out more about other children or adults with problems, go to the site about special children plus some special adults where there are books about them.

Books on Special Children or Bosc


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