Can this possibly be true? Okay, I've got some problems with it....

First of all (and correct me if I am wrong), Sonny Bono died this past winter, didn't he? Something about a tree, right? Now call me conservative, but I have a fundamental problem with casting a dead person on a soap, no matter what kind of ratings it may bring in. GH has never benefitted from having a lifeless body around--heck, just look at Colton Shore, Paul Hornsby or Miranda. And the thought that TPTB would go to such lengths to capitalize on this whole ''retro 70's'' craze sweeping the nation is kinda sick, if you ask me. I mean, don't get me wrong, Sonny & Cher were GREAT in their day, but you simply have to draw the line at mining their past fame for future gold once the heart stops pumping blood. Sure, this May we have Sonny Bono on the show--who's next, Janis Joplin? Jimi Hendrix? Jim Morrison? Oops, forgot, Morrison isn't dead, he's in hiding. Never mind!

Secondly, let's face it--the character Sonny Bono played on GH was kinda backburner. I dare say most of us would be hard-pressed to recall his character's name. Was it Fran�ois? Dant�? Alejandro? See, even I can't remember, and I've got the damn GH SCRAPBOOK (a great deal at just $6.99 in your local bookstore bargain bin!). With all that is going on with GH these days, I don't see how Fran�ois/Dant�/Alejandro could make an impact, really. Sure, there's some talk that Sonny Bono will come between Brenda & Jax, but c'mon--If Brenda ever considered a corpse as a candidate for romance, she would have made a move on Harry Silver's dead weight eons ago back in the cave. No, despite her flaws, I don't see Brenda as a necrophiliac. First of all, she'd have to be able to spell it.

Thirdly, and this is the no-brainer, if you bring on Sonny, you're just gonna have fans clamoring for Cher to come on the show for a nostalgic reunion, and that just ain't gonna happen. One, she wouldn't work with Sonny when he was alive, so I think the whole rigamortis thing won't help now. Also, she's probably still busy trying to remove that hat she had on at the Oscars.

Well, I've said my peace. I know my voice is a tiny one in the midst of all this ''Sonny Return Fever''. I just think it is a bad idea, sweeps ratings or no sweeps ratings. If GH wants to relive the 70's, I'm sure Richard Simmons is free, someone who DOES have a legitimate GH history.

I can just hear him now, leaping around Wyndemere in his tank top and shorts, shouting, ''Come ON, Katherine, I wanna see you SHAKE it, honey! Let's sweat it ALL off!''

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