[10] The shrine I'm building of Rebecca Herbst is taking much longer than I originally thought. Gonna have to gut out the rec room.

[9] Been shopping around for return airfares to France for a certain tiny brunette girl....

[8] I was kidnapped by Tony in broad daylight in the middle of a policeman's convention (damn Jason's guards!)

[7] Guess who is in charge of keeping James clean-shaven while held prisoner? Yep, that's right, and it ain't a pretty job....

[6] Poking fun at Brenda lately is like shooting fish in a barrel.

[5] My computer modem just hasn't been as reliable ever since I whacked it with a tripod during a breakdown. (See, I told you!)

[4] The FBI made me stop while they investigated assorted mail bombs I've been getting from a "Wendy R." in Sherman Oaks, California.

[3] Doing too many lists had me speaking to friends in HTML code. Break. Cute at first, then they got italic annoyed undo italic.

[2] Too busy reading PCO Message Board posts bitching that Drago the Knife Thrower wasn't featured on the 35th Anniversary Special

[1] So I just got my paycheck, and I run into this pretty blonde hooker down on the docks named Tammy, and next thing you know.....

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