(10) "Would you hold this bullseye over your chest for a second?"

(9) "What's a nice girl like you doing in a dark, dreary, cobwebby and utterly gothic place like this?"

(8) "Cuddle up to my laptop and I'll show you the unbelievable things my hard drive can do."

(7) "At the very least, you may catch a glimpse of my hunky 25-year old teenage son running around the mansion shirtless..."

(6) "When I get close to you...why, it's like kicking a field goal to end a football game in a tie."

(5) "You....me....a bottle of wine....soft music....candlelight....and my cousin Alexis hovering nearby..."

(4) "Care to be a distraction for me until Genie Francis grows tired of watching 'Barney' with the kids?"

(3) "When I'm good, I'm good....But when I have Guza, I'm better."

(2) "May I just say that you are without a doubt the sexiest woman here at the family reunion..."

(1) "Greetings. I beg that you'll forgive my abrupt inquisitiveness, but might I be so presumptuous as to make a bold, yet thoroughly sincere, inquiry with regards to the astrological, or "zodiac" if you will, sign during which your birth transpired...baby?"

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