(10) Gatsby has been strutting around with an attitude ever since getting quality screen time.

(9) The glow from Sarah's halo keeps them up at night.

(8) When that Spencer kid comes to visit, his hair frightens small children.

(7) Still spooked from the night Simone & Tommy Jr. stopped by to visit her, but were never seen leaving the house....!!!

(6) Lucille this, Lucille that....enough already!

(5) What's up with all the sons doing humanitarian work in devastated, godforsaken countries?

(4) The way she greets the paperboy on collection day wearing nothing but a paper hospital gown.

(3) If we've told her once, we've told her a thousand times, it's "StefAAAAAN", not "Steffin".

(2) Wish Lizzie would at least crank Puff Daddy instead of all that Run DMC crap.

(1) The strange glimmer in her eyes when someone asks to borrow Steve's old power drill.

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