10. NAME: Laura Vining Webber Baldwin Spencer (Cassadine penciled in, then crossed out)

9.ADDRESS: 1472 Charles Street (but you can usually track me down in the big creepy house on the spooky island... don't mind the guards, they're buffoons)

8. OBJECTIVE: To seek gainful employment, but nothing that requires working more than two days a week.

7. EXPERIENCE: 1979 to 1980 - Waited tables at the campus disco. Oh, and broke up an international mob syndicate.

6. EXPERIENCE: 1981 - Worked as receptionist at ELQ Enterprises (not quite sure what kind of business it is). Took dictation, coordinated meetings, and stopped a crazed megalomaniac from freezing the world with a weather machine.

5. EXPERIENCE: 1981 to 1982 - Spokesmodel for "Miss Star Eyes" cosmetics... until I was kidnapped by the Cassadine family for two years (no work records available).

4.EDUCATION: Attended some high school in the 1970s (before that little "black book" interruption). Attended extremely-part-time college in the 1990s (I thought it would be trendy to pursue a social work degree).

3.SPECIAL HONORS: I was "Miss Star Eyes," damnit!

2. SKILLS: Crying, weeping, bawling and sobbing. And I type 85 wpm.

1. INTERESTS: Goth clothing, infidelity, and STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION.

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