10. She was the little brother Jason never had.

9. All those people who have had their eyebrows singed off in freak kitchen fires will no longer have anyone on soaps to identify with.

8. Who do we have left to talk of ''spermicidal jelly'' on the show?

7. It was just a matter of time until one of those mob murder attempts would be successful. Now we'll never get to see it.

6. The only reason she was kept around this long was in case Tristan Rogers or Finola Hughes decided to return. Now that dream is all but dead.

5. The popular party game ''Does That Hair Belong To A.J., Sonny Or Robin?'' was just starting to catch on.

4. Viewers really enjoyed the scenes where she would hang out with all those close friends from her Port Charles University classes.

3. The next time Carly looks to put down someone, she may actually have to try.

2. As a longtime GH fan, it would have been nice to see her celebrate her 13th birthday on the show.

1. Who's going to wear Georgie Jones' hand-me-downs?

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