[10] "I know I've never been your favorite
And we've never been that tight
So while you may think I'm still a drunk
At least I'm not high as a kite!.....
.....Get some help Dad, A.J."

[9] "When I learned you raped mom
Man, that was a real bummer
But what's even totally worse, man
Is when you take time off in the summer.....
.....See you in September, Lucky"

[8] "Mommy's marrying uncle Mac
He's so funny when we play games
We hope you're enjoying the spy life
Do you even remember our names?.....
.....Just wondering, Maxie & Georgie"

[7] "Of course I understand that you are only my uncle
But since my father is no longer alive
I thought I'd give you this card, and inquire
What were you discussing when Kat took her swan dive?.....
.....Curious, nephew Nikolas"

[6] "Don't kidnap me!!!
For the love of God please don't kidnap me!!!!
HELLLLP!!!!! SOMEBODY!!!!!!.....

[5] "You're a cool Dad
Your gun is shiny
Your hair is pointy
Your girlfriend is tiny.....

[4] "I feel no connection at all to you
But Robin made me send this note
So why don't you listen to the drunk guy
And just get off the dope?.....

[3] "I know that Bosnia seems so far away
But you and Mom are still close to me
I bet you're glad that you now have Sarah there
(She's prattling on about Nikolas, isn't she?)....
.....Love, Elizabeth"

[2] "You've been a quite wonderful father
A bloody fantastic pop
You & Jane can rest assured Brender loves me
And you should see what she does with a tube top!.....
.....G'day, Dad.....Jasper

[1] "I hope all is well with you and Ginny
Amy and I think of you often
Oh, by the way, before I forget
Did you know Mom's no longer in a coffin?.....
.....Keep in touch, Laura"

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