[10] When Laura asks what's been going on, Luke tells her, "I had a party at the club last November....yadda yadda yadda........Lizzie went for a walk in the park....yadda yadda yadda.........So, what's up with you, baby?"

[9] Lila speeds down the street in her wheelchair pursuing a stolen marble rye.

[8] Celibate studs Jax, Jason and Nikolas start a contest to see who can be "Master of their Domain".

[7] Sarah Brown starts wearing "puffy shirts" to conceal her pregnancy.

[6] Ruby starts enforcing extremely strict rules about how customers should order soup.

[5] Alan spends an entire episode wandering around the hospital parking garage looking for his car. Stoned silly, he eventually realizes he's been walking circles in the cafeteria for the past hour.

[4] Stefan orders the wedding invitation envelopes from the same store as George Costanza, then hands them to Katherine....smiling.

[3] Jax frantically tries to remember V's real name, recalling only that it rhymes with a part of the male anatomy.

[2] Laura meets the "bizarro" Cassidine family: teen Nick, who has casual sex with lots of hot young babes; Granny Helen, always in the kitchen whipping up a plate of warm cookies; and patriarch Steve, who wears all white and drives around a Good Humor ice cream truck.

[1] Jerry wonders whether his new girlfriend's breasts are real, or just naturally "spectacular".

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