Eavesdropping with Vanessa "Brenda" Marcil & Sarah "Carly" Brown...

Imagining that Sarah ''Carly'' Brown and Vanessa ''Brenda'' Marcil's dressing rooms are directly across a narrow backstage hallway from eachother....It's very early one morning....

SARAH: Hey, Vanessa, I caught your work yesterday on the monitor...you are kicking some serious ass, girlfriend!

VANESSA: Thanks! That's so sweet of you to say! Guza has just been giving me some really terrific scenes lately...but I don't need to talk up Bob to YOU, do I now?

SARAH: (giggle)

VANESSA: I mean, look to YOU, little Miss Who's-the-daddy-schemer-and-conniver! You have a GREAT part to play, and I saw YOU do a scene yesterday that BLEW me away. You are rockin', honey!

SARAH: Thanks!...Yeah, I'm having a LOT of fun.

(The two actresses are interrupted by the arrival of a writers' assistant, handing out the day's scripts)

VANESSA: I get so excited with the arrival of each new script, don't you???

SARAH: Tell me about it! (Flipping thru her script) Wow, the stuff continues to be great!!

VANESSA: Really?

SARAH: Yeppers! I have a real cool scene today with Jason...

VANESSA: Jason, huh? Don't you just love working with Steve? I mean he is SO good. Cute, too! I had a scene with him the other day, he really elevates you to the next level, y'know? I got to kiss him. (giggle)

SARAH: Kissed him, huh? I rode ''Jason'' like a pony months ago, they had to have 4 crewmembers hold up the set walls. So, who is your first scene with today?

VANESSA: (Flipping thru her script) Ummmm.....Jax!

SARAH: That's great. You two have such good scenes. Ingo is such a sweetie.

VANESSA: Hey, you don't have to tell me! I dated him once, remember! (giggle)

SARAH: Wow, I have a big fight today with Tony...

VANESSA: ''Tony''?

SARAH: Um, yeah, he's the doctor I lived with on the show.

VANESSA: The one who got me hooked on pain killers?

SARAH: No, I think that was Alan...Tony is younger...You've met Brad at some of the cast parties...He has the guitar in his dressing room...

VANESSA: Oh, BRAD! Yeah, he seems real nice. Tony is one of Robin's godfathers, that's right.

SARAH: Actually, I think Frisco is her godfather--that's Tony's brother.

VANESSA: Oops! Silly me!! Hey, I have another scene with Jax, but this one is outside in the snow.

SARAH: Cool. Except that fake snow stuff gives me a rash. Try not to touch it. (Flipping thru her script) Hot damn, another confrontation today with A.J.! That poor boy...

VANESSA: Isn't Sean the most adorable guy???

SARAH: (Pause) Um...Sean left the show back in the spring. A.J. is being played by Billy now.


SARAH: You know, Frankie from DAYS.

VANESSA: Ohhhhh....

SARAH: Uh-oh, Monica shows up during the scene with A.J.! YIKES!

VANESSA: I know Monica! I lived at the Q mansion recently...

SARAH: Really?

VANESSA: ....Well, yeah...for a day...until Jax took me away.

SARAH: You and Jax have the best scenes!

VANESSA: Yeah, Ingo is a sweetheart. (Pause) And it looks like Jax and I have a dinner date at the Outback today...how romantic!

SARAH: Well that should be fun! The Outback is always good for a major revelation...like when I told Bobbie I was pregnant! Boy THAT hit her like a ton of bricks!

VANESSA: Um, I order pasta in the scene...

SARAH: Pasta is good, but be careful when the Outback serves you fish! I just pretend to eat it in those scenes.

VANESSA: Our food is late arriving...So instead, Jax offers to fly me to Mexico for authentic vegetarian chimichangas.

SARAH: Well...that should be interesting.

VANESSA: Actually, that tiny airplane set gives me claustrophobia.

SARAH: (Flipping thru her script) Wow, today must be a Friday show, the last scene I have is with Luke! I LOVE that Tony Geary!!!!

VANESSA: You get to work with Tony Geary?!?!??

SARAH: Oh yeah, we have lots of scenes together! Vanessa, you almost sound jealous! Don't be silly!

VANESSA: No, of course not! After all....I have a, um, scene today with LAURA...so there!

SARAH: (Pause) Laura SPENCER?

VANESSA: Um, YEAH. You heard me. It's a BIG scene, too!

SARAH: Well, that's good news...I didn't know Genie was back.

VANESSA: Back from where?

SARAH: Maternity leave...She hasn't been to work since like January. Where have you been?

VANESSA: (Silence)

SARAH: I'm sorry.

VANESSA: Did I say Laura? I meant it's a knock-down drag-out catfight with that mean Miranda.

SARAH: (Pause) Um.....

VANESSA: Oh, okay...my last scene is also with JAX. We're playing Boggle in my living room.

SARAH: Boggle is fun. (Pause) I heard that next week I wrap Keesha in aluminum foil and hide her in an old abandoned warehouse on the waterfront, and there's a big shoot-out with the police.

VANESSA: Our Boggle game gets interrupted by V. with news about some of Jax's businessman thingamajigs.

SARAH: Do you like V.?

VANESSA: What's not to like anyway? The gal is just an extra, right?

(Kristina Wagner stops by the girls' dressing rooms)



VANESSA: Hi! I'm Vanessa! This here is Sarah! Are you new to the show?

KRISTINA: Uh, noooo....But it's nice to meet you! I was just wondering if either of you have seen Sean Kanan today, he doesn't seem to be in his dressing room....
