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lexdiva - 12/03/00 23:32:49
My Email:[email protected]
Top 10 List suggestions?: Top 10 things Johnny is thinking when standing outside the penthouse door
Your favourite Robin scene is...: discovering Casey the alien in Anna's garage!

Consistently hilarious site!

Allegra - 09/25/00 14:46:21
My URL:/homestead/allegra1978/AA.html
My Email:[email protected]

Ahahahahahahahaha! Thanks for posting the link at soapzone, Matt, or I would NEVER have found this hilarious, insightful site! I'm telling all my friends

Mel - 09/06/00 22:57:56
My Email:[email protected]
Top 10 List suggestions?: Top 10 Ways the Dead Ted Storyline could end badly for the teens
Your favourite Robin scene is...: When Stone died--back before the character became a hypocrite

I absolutely LOVE your site!! It's great to see someone who actually watches the show and can pick it apart, rather than hearing from people who complain about it without really watching.

soupy - 08/29/00 01:34:12
My Email:[email protected]

just thought i would check in on my little brother. Great job!!

S.C - 08/27/00 15:21:02
My Email:[email protected]
Top 10 List suggestions?: Top 10 reasons why Jason and Carly should be together
Your favourite Robin scene is...: robin...who's she.....(j/k)

I love all your stories..there so funny! Keep it up.

elmo4 - 07/25/00 00:54:05
My Email:[email protected]
Top 10 List suggestions?: Top 10 reasons why: Sonny is HOT HOT HOT; GH needs a hot couple like sonny and carly;
Your favourite Robin scene is...: the ones when carly first got out of ferncliff and moved into the penthouse w/ jason

i love the lists, when are the new ones coming?

Rebecca - 07/13/00 09:25:43
My Email:[email protected]
Top 10 List suggestions?: Top 10 Reasons Jason is Coming back for a visit
Your favourite Robin scene is...: yeah right

I loved it! You have a great way of expressing your opinions! Keep up the great work!

Surtla - 06/29/00 20:06:19
Top 10 List suggestions?: Top 10 phrases Ingo should say in German before he leaves GH
Your favourite Robin scene is...: Ummm I don't think I have one.

I love these lists. There are few things that make me LOL like these do. You need an E-groups list to notify all your fans when this page is updated!

edig - 06/19/00 12:05:44
My Email:[email protected]

could you ask, as above, for favorite Sonny scene?

Anna - 06/18/00 19:07:31
My Email:[email protected]
Top 10 List suggestions?: Top Ten Reasons Felicia is Lukes one and Only Love (Sarcasm)
Your favourite Robin scene is...: Seriously: Anyone she has facing off with Carly, or the sweet ones with Jason

Like most of your lists- but I actually like Robin, and I think you should ease up one her- she is probably the only character on the show who would survive in the real world (memo to Carly- getting pregnant and living off the kid's father doesn't work in real life! LOL)- Why don't you write some lists about past characters (the Scorpios).

jenn - 05/23/00 04:38:37
Top 10 List suggestions?: how about the top ten reasons sonny belongs with anyone but carly?
Your favourite Robin scene is...: the one where she finally left for good (we hope)

Awesome page, i'm always checking in for some new laughs.

Lisa aka squidswife - 05/16/00 23:38:09
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite Robin scene is...: When she talked sexy about spermicide lol

Great to see new TT's matt!!! Lisa,Peanut & babies

- 05/13/00 21:34:12


Motha - 05/11/00 12:09:43
My Email:[email protected]
Top 10 List suggestions?: I'll get back to you on this one.
Your favourite Robin scene is...: *gagging, choking sounds* NONE!

It's about darn time your muse came out of retirement! Great new lists Matt! Thanks!

MattM - 05/09/00 12:30:56
My Email:[email protected]
Top 10 List suggestions?: Good question
Your favourite Robin scene is...: When she poured herself into that naughty bikini

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