Stolen script for the first episode after the Gia/Liz/Courtney car crash:


CARLY: (barging in on Sonny and Alexis) Sonny, I had to see you. It's your sister, Courtney -- she's been in an accident!

SONNY: (mumbles)... what kind of an accident?

CARLY: A car crash. It involved that drunk, Gia.

ALEXIS: Gia?! Who let that lush behind a wheel?

SONNY: (toward door) Jonny! Get in here!

CARLY: Sonny, we need to get to the hospital.

ALEXIS: I'm coming with, too. I long to be at Sonny's side.... in case he has any needs... for a lawyer.

(Carly shoots Alexis a glare. Jonny enters.)

SONNY: Bring the car around; we're going to GH.

JONNY: Bad news, boss. I have my gym bag in the back seat. Plus, I have the body of that Larry guy Mrs. Cortlandt wanted me to take care of. So there's only room in the car for you and ONE of the women.

(Carly glares at Alexis. Sonny looks at each lady, then rubs his temple.)

CARLY: (to Alexis) You bitch!



SCENE: GENERAL HOSPITAL E.R. EMTs rush the accident victims in on gurneys.

BOBBIE: (with childlike amazement) Oh my GAWD! What is going on? Who are all these people!

EMT #1: (pushing Gia) Two-car storyline catalyst, at the corner of Drama and Conflict. This is one of the drivers.

BOBBIE: Oh my GAWD! Gia! You smell like a brewery!

GIA: A brew--? I barely had anything to drink!

BOBBIE: (rolls eyes at EMT) Right, honey. We'll take you to exam room one, see what kind of injuries you sustained in your fall off the wagon.

GIA: What?!

(Amy comes over to Bobbie.)

BOBBIE: Amy, call Sonny Corinthos, see how he's doing. His wife sometimes works closely with Gia. I hope he's all right.

(EMT #2 brings in Elizabeth)

ALAN: Monica, look. It's Elizabeth Webber.

MONICA: Yes, we know her. I understand she was in that accident with Gia "Call Me Li'l Kim Delaney" Campbell.

ALAN: I hope Elizabeth was driving, and not young miss Halle Berry.

MONICA: Let's get Liz into an exam room. Watch your step, wouldn't want to trip on any of Gia's empties.

ALAN: Has anyone contacted Sonny? I hope he's doing all right. Sonny used to work with Jason, who was rather close with Elizabeth.

MONICA: I'll have Amy give him a call.

(EMT#3 pushes in Courtney, just as Sonny arrives)


SONNY: (mumbles) Shhh. Save your strength. You just rest, I'll get to the bottom of who did this to you.

COURTNEY: My memory is fuzzy...

SONNY: Is that what Gia -- aka Foster Brooks -- was drinking? Fuzzy navels?

COURTNEY: It's hard....

SONNY: Oh, she was sucking down the hard liquor, eh?

(Gia stumbles in, holding onto an IV stand.)

GIA: I wasn't drunk!

SONNY: Listen, I don't know how many 96-oz. bottles of Colt 45 you sucked down before plowing into my sister's car, but...

ALAN: Sonny, how are you? When we heard about the three girls in the car accident, we immediately thought of you.

MONICA: Hey, Alan, look who's up on her two feet. (Pointing at Gia.) Gee, Gia, I almost didn't recognize you there not face down in a gutter.

ALAN: (whispering) She probably has her IV bag filled with vodka.

GIA: What is WRONG with you people?! I was not.... drunnnn... (collapses to floor from exhaustion/injuries)

SONNY: Pathetic. She smells like a saloon.

ALEXIS: (running in) Sonny, how is everyone? How are YOU holding up? Do you

CARLY (appearing behind Sonny, glaring at Alexis) You bitch! Can't leave him be for a moment, can you?

(Mac enters with several officers.)

MAC: Does anyone know what happened here?

SONNY: Mac, I'm glad to see you. Gia was driving a car and...

MAC: Let me guess, she was speeding away from the Bottle King.

SONNY: ...she collided with Courtney. Liz was injured, too.

MAC: Well, that may be your interpretation of events. But I'll get to the bottom of this once Jax arrives.

ALEXIS: Was Jax a witness?

MAC: No. But he's always a big help to police investigations. He may have ideas that I would never think of. Plus, he's involved with Skye.


MAC: Skye is a recovering alcoholic, so maybe she can help us get into Gia's twisted, Old English-filled brain, see why she was out to run down young women and helpless puppies.

SONNY: Good plan.

MAC: Thanks. Jax thinks so.

(Bobbie enters.)

BOBBIE: Oh my GAWD! Sonny! You're here! I'm so glad to see you!

SONNY: How's Courtney?

BOBBIE: First, how are YOU? We've all been so worried!

SONNY: I'm fine. Courtney?

BOBBIE: Welllllllll.... It appears she will need an arm transplant. Her right arm was severely damaged.

SONNY: Awww, not her right arm. She's loved that arm since she was a kid.

ALEXIS: I thought you just met her?

CARLY: Bobbie, what are her chances?

BOBBIE: Pretty good, assuming Gia the town drunk doesn't make another attempt on her. GH has an excellent record with arm transplants, save for that time the lab tech got the x-ray upside down. But Mrs. Gomez seems to like her "Lefty" nickname.

SONNY: So, my sister will be all right?

BOBBIE: Ohhh, DEFINITELY! In fact, I saw Melissa taking care of her just a moment ago! Melissa hates to see patients in pain.... 1