Big scoops, gang! My brother Otto belongs to the same gun club as Anna lee, and she gave him an advanced copy of today's script!

SCENE: Undercover agent Hannah Scott enters the local office of the FBI.
AGENT 1: Agent Scott! What are you doing here?

HANNAH: Why the hell did you step on my bust?

AGENT 1: You left us no other option, Agent Scott. You were supposed to keep us abreast of your progress.

HANNAH: Hey, I had Corinthos under close supervision.

(The agents chuckle.)

HANNAH: I'm glad you both find this so tittilating.

AGENT 1: Your supervision was a little too close, if you ask us. You and Corinthos became quite the bosom buddies.

HANNAH: That was the plan, wasn't it? I worked my way into his world. Heck, I even played pool with Jason Morgan, his number one flunky.

AGENT 2: Yes, one of our operatives saw you run the table. That was quite a rack.

HANNAH: So why step on my toes? I was gathering huge mounds of evidence.

AGENT 1: You were falling for Corinthos, Agent Scott. Every day we watched you on the docks with him.

HANNAH: You what??

AGENT 1: Yep. From 100 yards away with high-powered binoculars.

HANNAH: I don't care how big the zoomers are, I don't like being checked up on!

(The agents don't respond, seemingly distracted by something outside the window.)

HANNAH: Hello? Are you even listening to me?

AGENT 2: Sorry, we were just marveling at these giant owls outside on the tree branch.

HANNAH: Well take your eyes off those big hooters and pay attention, because we need to get our game plan straight!

AGENT 1: The game is over, Agent Scott. We've brought Corinthos in.

HANNAH: Yes, but can you keep him in? After all, wouldn't you like to get your hands on these..? (Hannah reaches inside her bra.)

AGENT 2: Oh my...

AGENT 1: Um, what are those?

HANNAH: (Holding two cassette tapes.) Only major evidence of Sonny's mob dealings.

AGENT 1: How did you get him to talk in front of you?

HANNAH: I didn't - I had two antique Italian wine decanters wired with bugs, then gave them to Corinthos as a present.

AGENT 2: Bugged wine decanters? How clever...

HANNAH: Trust me, you've never seen jugs like these before.

AGENT 1: You must have gotten quite a bit of dirt on our target, then...

HANNAH: Oh yeah, more than a handful. But unless you let me finish my assignment, I'll destroy them. Do we understand each other?

AGENT 2: Agent Scott, you make a good case. We'll leave you be.

HANNAH: Thank you. Sorry to be so blunt, but I had a lot to get off my chest.

AGENT 2: We understand...

(Hannah turns to leave, then stops, and reaches into a shopping bag she brought in with her.)

HANNAH: Oh, I almost forgot. I stopped by that fruit stand on the waterfront and got you these. (She pulls out two canteloupes.) Nice melons, huh?