a-MMusings, volume 4 (8/19/99)

1. Okay, Hannah, we get it: Brenda wore long sleeves, and you don’t wear any, so you aren’t the same person after all. Message received.

2. Hey, so who else loved that scene with Lesley at the Outback the other day???

3. Dang, now when I forget to shave two mornings in a row, my wife starts worrying that I’m manic depressive.

4. Speaking of Sonny… Just how big a bonus did his housekeeper have waiting for her when she came in for work the day after his tantrum?

5. A.J., don’t let it go to your head: If we’re talking two whole weeks in Maui, hell, I’D go with you.

6. One has to wonder how close Emily came to accidentally showing a sex video of Reginald and Leticia at the Nurses’ Ball...

7. Has Sheba noticed that master Nikolas now wears ordinary jeans and a t-shirt to ride her? Does she feel dissed that the proper riding outfit is gone?

8. More than ever, GH deserves an Emmy for hairstyling. I mean, the little grey tufts on Faison’s temples which serve as “barrettes” to keep his hair out of his face are a masterful feat in follicle engineering.

9. “Ned Ashton, meet the chest press machine. Chest press machine, allow me to introduce you to Ned Ashton.”

10. Huh?? The other day, did Nikolas actually say “I just wanna know the damn truth about the baby”?? Appears the once-refined lad has been watching a bit too much SOUTH PARK...

11. Please, Jerry, stop being such a ruthless scoundrel. You’re scaring my 4-year old niece.

12. Regarding Juan’s visit to the Qs: The writers must have nearly hurt themselves coming up with the convoluted, roundabout way by which they brought the topic of Sonny into the conversation, just so Juan could go ballistic. Can you say Byzantine plot device?

13. No wonder Gertrude is so hot for Chloe’s company — the dresses design themselves! That business must be a goldmine!

14. When Hannah goes for her morning jog, is it for exercise, or is she just running away from the wardrobe department?

15. Wonderfully Bawdy Line Of The Month, after Ned grumbles that Jax wants to have his cake and eat it too:
ALEXIS: “Am I the cake in that equation?”

16. The THOUGHT-YET-UNSAID Bawdy Line Of The Month, after Jax apologizes for “horning in” on Ned and Chloe’s honeymoon:
CHLOE: “Oh, but Jax I like you when you’re horny.”

17. Keep it up with the smart mouth, Taggert, and Faison will soon be enjoying you with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

18. Is Reginald grouchy because his girlfriend is out of town, or because “Mod Squad” is now out on video for all to see?

19. Looks like it’s about time for Elizabeth to break out the boom box, hip hop CDs, pizza delivery menu and Marlboro Lights again...

20. If Faison’s captive is becoming such a chess prodigy, can we someday expect a movie called “Searching For Lucky Spencer”?

21. Methinks that ABC soap-hopping relationship expert Rae Cummings - currently on OLTL - should steer clear of Port Charles. Would hate to see her head explode trying to figure these “romances” out!

22. Oh, and how about that scene with Justus at Wyndemere?! GREAT STUFF.

23. So who’s the next red-hot act to sing on GH? Maybe New Kids on the Block? 1