a-MMusings 5/5/99

1) Let's see... thus far Laura has mourned for a Luke who wasn't really dead (paralyzed by avalanche), mourned a Lesley who wasn't really dead (imprisoned by Cassidines), and is now mourning a Lucky who isn't really dead (kidnapped by Faison). Sucks to be her.

2) Speaking of death, how does a Cassidine decide what to wear to a funeral as they open their closet full of black clothes? Must cause a headache.

3) I keep reading about all these great movies Freddie Prinze Jr. keeps getting cast in, and I simply have to wonder why he hasn't gotten Kimmy a job in one of them.

4) RE: a certain baseless rumor... I think it's about as likely that Lucky would crawl through an air duct to find BLACKIE PARRISH in a neighboring cell.

5) Is that THE VIEW's Debbie Matenopolous playing Chloe?

6) It's hard to decide what my favourite Lesley Webber scene has been since her return. I'm leaning towards the time she sat on the couch.

7) What's Lucky complaining about? I see TWO shiny new boom boxes on that ledge. The boy is livin' large and doesn't know it.

8) Still waiting for ANY of the Jax brothers to reveal themselves to be the ''ruthless, cutthroat, immoral marauders'' that Mac originally described them to be..

9) As I said years ago when she first arrived in town and tried to swindle Scotty, Katherine Bell is *still* an utterly disposable character on GH, and Mary Beth Evans should sue for theft of services.

10) So Tammy gets paid for NOT having sex, but when she finally puts out, it's for FREE?

11) To think that all of this time I have been yelling at AT&T for my lousy cell phone signal, when Faison is really behind the crappy service.

12) Hurry, Felicia. HURRY. (Tick-tock, tick-tock...)

13) Brad Maule has gone from making an entire nation weep by pulling the plug on BJ's respirator to having a cup of soup once a month at Kelly's. Sad.

14) Vanessa WHO?

15) For those keeping score, based on her last appearance it appears Georgie Jones could now kick Robin's ass.

16) Single-handedly, Bobbie Spencer has brought 3-D television to America without those clumsy coloured glasses.

17) Is PORT CHARLES still on the air?

18) I like Jason, but the lad had it wrong. Sex with Carly would NOT be good. It would be PHENOMENAL, and would probably make him go blind.

19) If I am missing any key dialogue/plot developments in the dialogue which Sonny mumbles broodingly, someone please e-mail me a recap. Thanks! 1