Have fun with this guys.....

Fill in the blank with a random word.....

noun: person, place, or thing-- Fred, Ohio, doggie, etc.
plural noun (2 or more nouns): beans, gas masks, pianos
verb (action word): jump, hike
verb + ing: jumping, hiking
verb + ed: jumped, hiked
adjective (description): red, smelly, fuzzy

Roundhouse Mad Lib

Roundhouse JavaScript Mad Lib

Enter a noun:
Enter a verb:
Enter a noun:
Enter a noun:
Enter a noun:
Enter a verb +ing:
Enter a noun:
Enter an adjective:
Enter an adjective:
Enter a verb +ing:
Enter a verb +ing:
Enter a plural noun:
Enter a plural noun:
Enter a plural noun:
Enter a musician's last name:
Enter a TV family's last name:
Enter the name of a person in the room:
Enter a noun:
Enter a verb +ed:
Enter a plural noun:
Enter a verb:

Mad Lib

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