The Recipe Page
Welcome to the recipe page.

All recipe's on this page have been made up by the person named, so hopefully you won't find them in any cookbook.
I have sorted the recipe's into categories so that they are easy to find. Please feel free to use any you like, as long as you make sure that you give credit to the inventor. If YOU have a recipe you have invented then feel free to email it to me. Make sure you send as many details as possible along with things such as your name, email address, homepage address if you have one. Please try to remember though that I do try to keep this page only for recipe invented by people, not taken from cookbooks. Thanks and enjoy the food!!




Main Meals.

Creamy Mushroom Pasta - Hector Chapman and Georgia Bootiman.

Mushroom Garlic Burger - Jard.

Side Dishes.



Buckeyes - a naughty sweet from Sarah Heames.

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This Page � 1997 Nash Productions. 1