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One way or another, you have found your way to my core page. From here you can access not only some interesting web sites, but all of my pages. Those that are up and running, and the ones that are partly done. So empty the ashtray, get a fresh drink, sit back and have a good time.

First, a little about Daysleeper. Spent my youth in a little town in Michigan, know as the motor city. Later on moved down here to Indianapolis. Grew up listening and going to see bands like Blue Oyster Cult, REO Speedwagon, Led Zeplin, Kiss, (saw them as an opening act) Grand Funk RailRoad and others. Now, even thou I'm getting a little long in the tooth, still enjoy metal. Groups like Metallica, Alice in Chains, STP, and ACDC. But enough about me. If you want to learn more, try and catch Blueyes might be able to help. Sorry, she closed her site for now' Or talk to BH at my Lair . If all else fails, try and catch me where I chat. At the globe SINGLES BAR . Like to stop in for a few in the mornings.

So enjoy the trip. Here are some links to help you on the way.

Some of my other pages

Date last edited in GOLD

A new and revised version of my Midi page 3/30/00 now 128 files
also an improved and growing Images collection. 1/3/00

Making moneyThis page has a few ways to get
a little return from the net. I only listed places
that I get checks from, not the ripoffs
I have run into. 4/12/00

SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS .... links and info on money for school 3/5/00
SHOPPING................Has quit a few good on line shopping links 9/3/99
HOMEPAGE HELP ...Color, Midis, HTMl tags and images are up and running, 1/3/00 CHAT ........................A lot of nice people,and some strange ones too
CHAT HELP .............Ever wonder how to changes the color, or size of post while chatting? SURF........................Links to net software, shareware and some interesting jump off points
Daysleeper's Friends ......yes he does have a few Awards.............Awards that I have received 3/3/99

On the drawing board, banner help, sites for counters and guest books, and links to free stuff.

Hope you have a good time. How about either dropping me a line at,

or signing one of my Guest books.

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