Past "Journeys through Writing" Projects

Clustering Technique and Exercise Overview of the Creative Writing Process of "Clustering:" a brainstorming technique outlined in Gabriele L. Rico's excellent book, Writing the Natural Way. It's a wonderful way to dig deep into your subconscious for ideas and connections that you might not normally be aware of.

Setting a Goal Exercise in Positive Thinking: many people feel that by writing down an affirmation it becomes a stronger influence upon us.

Friendship Binder A Project to Renew and Strengthen Relationships: this idea involves a commitment of time and energy, but if you wish to strengthen a long-distance friendship, cheer up a sick friend, or maintain strong family ties, it's well worth the effort.

Characterization Cards Creative Writing Technique for Groups: newly created characters will be used in a short piece of writing. Character names will be shared with the other participants and they will try to imagine who and what the character is and does. This is really fun and might just be the starter fuel to get y'all writing some short stories.

Inspirational Questions Questions to Spark your Own Writing Projects: these are meant to spark something - a story, essay, song, whatever. No real instructions for this one.

Collage Poem "Non-Magnetic" Poetry: the idea of swirling words picked and cut at random (from printed media). They are then placed "ransom note style" on a larger image, or collection of images, to create a greater whole.

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Journeys through Writing