Past "Exciting Occasions" Projects

* Prayer Rock: ��Intergenerational Activity. There are many ways to use this "rock" theme when planning a large spiritual gathering.

* Feast Box (a Special Idea for Bah�'� Feast):��Create a symbol of the 19-Day Feast to Give as Gifts to your Community Members, a box which symbolizes the Feast itself, and each of the items in the box symbolizes a portion of the Feast. They are presented as a gift to each person as they arrive and are the focal point of the event.

* Fun Tips for Baby Showers:��Decorations, Games, and Gift Ideas to Liven up a Baby Shower. Just a few quick tips.

* Group Presentation of Photographic Slides:��Wonderful Activity for Feast or Holy Days or other special occasion where a group of people are gathered that do or do not know each other well.

* Ayy�m-�-H� Celebration Ideas:��Decorations, Games, Service Projects and More. Ayyam-�-Ha begins on February 26th and Ends on March 1st. It is a time dedicated to hospitality, charity, gift-giving and fellowship. These ideas can be modified to fit any special event.

* Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?:�� A Community Fellowship Project that fosters the development of new, and established friendships. The object is to invite small groups of diverse community members who may or may not know one another to another community member's home for an intimate dinner and fellowship.

* Distinctive Decorating for Holy Days: Gift and Decoration Ideas. Little ways you can inexpensively transform your home or office for the holidays.

* A Spiritual Baby Shower A gentle alternative to a traditional shower, this was said to be a healing, strengthening experience.

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