Past "Music is the Key" Projects

* The Importance of Intoning:��Learn about the Process of Intoning and Why it's so Wonderful. Some people like to read their prayers directly from a book, others prefer to memorize and recite them from memory, but for me, one of the most rewarding things about becoming a Bah�'� has been learning how to intone my prayers.

* Beginning to Intone:��First Steps towards Intoning for Non-Singers. In other cultures the art of chanting is passed down from generation to generation, but Americans do not have this tradition here are some easy first steps to take.

* Writing Songs for Young Children:��A few things to keep in mind the following points when I am writing for children under 6-years old.

* Rhythm of the Heart:��This is intended to be a group activity but it can be done by one or two people if desired. You will need a variety of rhythm instruments to begin the fun.

* Songwriting Challenge���Come On! I Dare Ya to Write a Song. This is an informal challenge that I hope will motivate you to try your hand at songwriting. If you've never wriiten a song before, jump into songwriting by composing your own children's song. If you've written original lyrics and tunes before, try a stretch and pattern after a different type of music than your usual style

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