trueSpace Gallery

This is the gallery of the scenes/objects I have created in Caligary trueSpace. I love this program and what it can do. I hope that you like what you see here. If you do, please, drop me a line.
The Kitchen
This is a kitchen scene I was working on for no good reason. It started out as an excercise to work on hinges. It sort of got bigger than that. It is very much in progress...
The Kitchen, again
This is the same thing at a different angle. Somehow it took on the appearence of a fish-eye view.
A-1 Receiver
Still in-progress, this is a receiver I am designing for a grander scene. It's coming along well, but there's still a lot to do.
AA-2 Receiver The AA-2 Receiver
A new receiver I designed. It's not done, but they all look so nice in fog. I rendered the drivers, but somehow that picture got lost on the HD...
PMW Designs
A frame out of the intro animation I use for things I do. It's a fast intro, but I think it gets the point across.