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Issue #5 Tuesday, 28th October, 1997 0p


Welcome to the New-look Hamster Times

You may, or may not notice, that the Hamster Times has changed - well, we all have to sometime don't we? Anyway, if you're feeling lost, click the nice little help button (its the one shaped like a question mark) on the icon bar at the top of the screen. If, for some reason, you don't like having images on, you should select the thing that says [Help].

Anyway, in this week's Hamster Times we have...

[Rantz] Rants! Our Editorial column, containing something a little strange from our Art Editor. Still, he should be alright if he keeps taking the pills...

[News] The News - yes! What would we be without news but a mumbo-jumbo collection of strange words and monkey dung. Well. Maybe not. Who knows, who cares?

[Lettuce] Our Lettuce page, in which you, the reader, sends words of wit and encouragement, not to mention sexy underwear, assorted chocolate novelties, and a protractor named Philip.

[Feature] Our Feature of the Week. Well, what are we looking into this week? I'm not sure I should tell you - If I do, the men with the big black markers will surely be back writing untoward things all over your screen!

[Sol] The Spice of Life. Oh what a tangled web we weave, do we have an exclusive Spice Girl interview, or are we just making stuff up? Who knows? Who Cares? Why so many questions?

[Photostory] A photostory about half a dozen 20-somethings who have fun together. We like to call it, Fronds, but we're strange like that...

[Sport] SPORT! Well, she likes sport doesn't she, know-what-I-mean... A nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat..

[Depths of Heck!] The DEPTHS OF HECK! oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh. Scary.

[Disclaimer] Our Disclaimer. Read, Digest, and share.

[Archive] Our back issue Archive - where all our fun-filled previous issues can be found.

Well, that's all we have for the moment - have fun y'hear!

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The Hamster Times is copyright © 1997 Neil and Bill productions - with a little help from Steve. See disclaimer for conditions of use etc etc etc.