Issue #3 Monday, 13th October, 1997 0p

Since we seem to have a problem in the getting the latest issue out in time department, we've started a mailing list so that we can announce any new editions. You can join at the foot of this document. Ta muchly.

  1. The Sub-Editorial.
    [Read it] Giving Editor Bill a day off, Sub-Art-Editor(and Captain Nemo) decide to attack the editorial with both hands.

  2. Defense news.
    [Read it] Two new developments in the world of defense. The Met office working with NATO, and problems in the arrangements for ceremonies.

  3. News in Brief
    [Read it] Sneaky shenanegans at the BBC, and it turns out that our ed, Bill, is more desirable than one of America's top celebs.
  4. Spice of Life
    [Read HT:SOL] More news on those cheeky chappesses, and the Spice Girls to boot (not that we advocate random bootings of Spice Girls, but, if that's your sort of thing, we do not deny you the right to go out there and give them a good kicking...

  5. Mars story - Retraction
    [Read it] We goofed, apparently... or was this something to do with the dentist???.
    Plus news of a new type of comet heading for Earth.

  6. Letters.
    [Read Letters] Even ,ore wit and wisdom from our various readers. Please contribute. (Please Con Tribute - he's quite stupid and easy to put one over on.

  7. PhotoStory!
    [Read PhotoStory] "One of our photostories is missing!" yes! A tribute to the great and age old comedy film "one of our dinosaurs is missing"... although the tribute only goes as far as the name... there are no dinosaurs in this photostory (at least, not in this chapter...)

  8. Sports!
    [Read Sports Pages] Football football football! We have a pretty blinkered view of what constitues "sport".

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