The Idea Of The Personal Computer Is Dead "Microsoft was founded with a vision of a computer on every desk, and in every home. We've never wavered from that vision." --Bill Gates You can't make things better for humanity as a whole without making things better for individuals. Each person is their own consciousness, and while a society is often more than the sum of its parts, it is still fundamentally a collection of parts, i.e. people. In the 20th century, a new generation of machines was becoming popular whose primary function was not to transport heavy objects or indeed to incorporate any kind of mechanical motion at all. These devices were made for the purpose of processing information, and they came to be called computers, a word which had formerly applied to a human being who performed the same task. Computers started off big and shared. We've all seen pictures of those mainframes which filled an entire room and required several people to run. It was a significant development, then, when, towards the latter part of the 20th century, there was a shift toward computers which were inexpensive, simple, and small enough to be realistically purchased, owned, and used by an average member of society. This was nothing short of a revolution. To make these engines of information available to every person could change society. It could change the world. And it did. Regardless of what anyone might think about companies like Microsoft and Apple today--and to be sure, they have drifted very, very far from the kinds of companies they were upon their founding in the 1970s--these companies were largely responsible for making hardware and software accessible to the world at large. So important was Bill Gates' reaffirmation of Microsoft's vision--in the oft-cited quote which begins this article--that an audio clip of Gates speaking these very words was included in the article on Bill Gates in Microsoft's own Encarta encyclopedia program. Of course, Encarta paraphrases Gates here, since Gates' original quote added the words "all running Microsoft software" to the end of the first sentence, but at least the paraphrased quote seems to have its heart in the right place. Nothing ruins dreams like having them come true. The vision of the personal computer was ultimately realized. As time went by, computers became everything people envisioned they would be: Fast enough to perform common tasks without requiring people to wait very long, small and light enough for people to easily carry them around in a purse or bag, and affordable enough that nearly everyone in a developed society can have one. So what do you do with a vision after it's already been realized? "So the vision of Microsoft is pretty simple. It changed a couple years ago. For the first 25 years of the company, it was a personal computer on every desk and in every home. And it was a very good vision; very rare for a company to be able to stick with something like that for 25 years. The reason we changed it was simply that it became acceptable... And so as we stepped back and looked at what we were trying to do with the programming model, turning the Internet into the fabric for distributed computing, getting your information to replicate in a very invisible way so that it was available to you everywhere, thinking of this programming model spanning all the different devices, we changed to the mission statement we have now, which is empowering people through great software anytime, any place and on any device." --Bill Gates Of course, by the time Gates made this quote, he was already becoming less relevant. Perhaps further insight can be found from the man who runs Microsoft now. During a live interview held at The Churchill Club in Santa Clara, California on September 25, 2008, Ann Winblad asked Steve Ballmer: "So Microsoft, over the last 30 years when you joined Microsoft the mission of the company was a computer on every desktop, and in every home. Is that still Microsoft's mission statement today?" Ballmer replied: "No, no. We're working on a broader agenda than that, and I love that." Ideas have a way of being temporal. Stored in a person's mind, they tend to change over time. They can be stored by writing them down, but hardly anybody reads anymore, and when they do, they're not interested in old ideas. It's perhaps not surprising, then, that people have largely forgotten what personal computers were about when they first started coming around. For starters, you hardly ever hear the term "personal computer" anymore. They're just "computers," and the abbreviation "PC," when used, has a technical connotation rather than a social or ideological connotation. Today, the idea of the personal computer is dead. There are multiple reasons for this, but I believe that they can be broadly broken down into three primary points. I will endeavor to do this with the words that follow. FOCUS ON NON-COMPUTING ACTIVITIES The reason these devices are called "computers" is because at one point in time, they were, indeed, seen as devices which were used for the purpose of computation. No longer. Today, computers are used for almost everything but computing. There are two primary purposes which most consumers apply computers for today: Entertainment, and communication. I use the word "communication" loosely here, since that word usually implies some kind of ideas or information being exchanged, while a great deal of the "communication" which transpires on the Internet today involves the exchange of neither of these in any significant amount. When computers were still new and the world was getting used to having them around, they were seen for what they were: Arrays of relatively large numbers of electronic bits (far more than a human brain could conveniently store and retrieve from quickly), made accessible and modifiable in such a way that they could be processed and presented far more quickly than a human brain could ever process such large volumes of data. Truly, that is all a computer is. This focus on the actual data mechanics of computers led to people writing programs that helped analyze math problems, programs which simulated physics experiments or other fields of hard science, programs which created virtual environments for users to explore and experiment in, and the like. Because the computer was capable of taking concepts which the human mind already worked with but could process those concepts much more quickly than a human, the computer became a tool of the mind, an extension and expansion of the human consciousness. Using a computer was as natural as performing basic math or thinking logically. The very act of programming a computer, even if the resultant program didn't actually "do" anything particularly useful, became an exercise in logical thinking which had the ability to make people smarter. It is human nature to satisfy the id. Anything which can be made faster, more convenient, more pleasurable, or less complicated is something that mainstream society has always readily embraced. The computer was no exception. It didn't take too long before people decided that being smart was simply too much work, and that the computer should serve to amuse rather than enhance. By the mid-1990s, computer games had become significantly less intelligent, and focused on dazzling the player with sensational media rather than requiring them to think. This is a trend that never reversed itself, but rather become more extreme as time went by, with the result that the 21st century is a wasteland, not even able to produce a 10% ratio of smart, good games. Today, when buying a computer, typical home users think of their PC in terms of entertainment potential, especially with regard to graphics capabilities. Indeed, for many people, the idea of the computer has fused entirely with the lazy, passive field of mainstream entertainment, and so the computer quite literally becomes little more than a machine to play movies and music; a media center that happens to have a CPU in it. "Don't make me think," once easily dismissable as an infantile tantrum, is now technology's guiding mentality. The act of watching noninteractive movies or listening to recorded music has always enforced minimal requirements from the consumer, and now this brainless field of entertainment is the primary reason people buy so-called computers. Today, there is such an emphasis on making computers networked that it literally seems to go without saying. Mainstream computing culture seems to honestly believe that a computer which is not networked is quite literally worthless. This collective forgetfulness on computer users' part is almost unbelievable, given that only 10 years before the Internet became something most mainstream households were familiar with, a computer that was networked in any way was a rare and unusual thing. Certainly, computer BBSes and other forms of network links for the purposes of exchanging a few files and e-mails were around since nearly the beginning of the existence of microcomputers (and indeed, the idea of exchanging files and messages over networks predates the microcomputer, since they were already doing it on ARPANET in the late 1960s/early 1970s), this was long seen as an add-on to the computer, a supplementary functionality to the core computer rather than the sole focus. A personal computer, by definition, is something personal, meaning that it can be used in solitude, without the need for connections to other people or places. Certainly, the ability to connect to other people and places is useful and important, but this is done only in moderation. Today's world is often described as "ultra-connected." People have so many different ways of contacting each other that the list is almost ridiculous: Telephone, e-mail, instant messaging (on a half-dozen major networks), blogs, forums, etc. Yet increasing the different ways in which people can communicate with each other does not increase the quality of the communication that goes on; indeed, it has decreased. In order to communicate an articulate, relevant idea, some amount of thought must go into the idea before it is expressed. On today's Internet, that happens less and less; ideas are expressed before being thought out. The shift in focus on hardware bottlenecks is a perfect metaphor: Today, a computer's network throughput is considered more of a performance bottleneck than its CPU speed. The personal computer is not "connected" or "chatty." It is not a socialite. It is a quiet, thoughtful sage, content to meditate and check its facts before spreading memes to other people. With the extinction of this style of person in society, it hardly becomes surprising that the idea of such a computer would die out as well. LOGINS AND EXCESSIVELY LONG STARTUP TIMES The world of personal computers became significantly less personal on the day it became standard to require users to log in. There is no other device in a typical person's home that requires them to identify themselves before they use it. A television, a book, a refrigerator, and a toothbrush are common items around the house, and they can simply be accessed and used immediately. Why should a computer require someone to log in before they can do anything? The rationale behind this requirement is obvious. It aids in security, but more to the point, it enables multiple people to use the same computer. Since multiple logins can be created, each user can have their own profile and customize their computing environment as they wish. While this is an understandable paradigm for a family computer which is used by many different people, it makes no sense for a personal computer, since known logic dictates that it is not possible to have multiple people who use a computer while simultaneously having only one person who uses the computer. Either the computer is personal, or it isn't. A truly personal device which used a login mechanism for security would only require a password, not a username. The concept of logins has been extended into whole-filesystem access control lists. On most operating systems used today, every single file on a computer has its own ACL (access control list) which dictates which users can read and write to the file, and which users cannot. This kind of whole-system security is a consequence of the dying out of the open-access mindset. There was a time when the computer community promoted understanding and access, but now the opposite mindset prevails: Every single file access is tightly controlled, turning the entire computer into a police state. Having to log into a computer also reduces the immediacy of use. One of the appealing things about any accessible piece of technology is being able to turn it on and use it immediately. This ability has been thoroughly lost in today's computing environment. There was a time when you could turn on a computer and have it ready for use in a matter of seconds. Commodore 64 and Apple II computers power up almost instantaneously; the system will be ready for use before the few seconds it takes for a CRT to warm up and actually display a picture. Some people would counter this by noting that although the Commodore 64 and Apple II could indeed get you to a BASIC prompt almost instantly, it took several minutes on those systems to load a program from a floppy disk. It could be said, then, that immediacy of computer access reached its apex with DOS-based PCs using hard drives, which took a little longer to boot up but not much longer, and which had hard drives fast enough to load most programs in a matter of seconds. When you factored in the BIOS POST process and the time it took to process everything in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, these PCs would typically boot in around 10-15 seconds, which is about the upper limit for computers to feel like they start up quickly. Today, even a superfast PC with hardware that is orders of magnitude more powerful than what was available to DOS PCs in the early 1990s struggles to boot in under 60 seconds, turning startup alone into a major undertaking. This is almost entirely a consequence of the operating systems. Virtually all operating systems in widespread use today attempt to load way too much overhead before they get to a user shell. This is partly due to the fact that most operating systems now want to boot to a GUI, which takes considerably longer than simply booting to a command-line interface (CLI). Indeed, the significantly decreased popularity of CLIs in favor of GUIs is itself a strong contributor to the death of the idea of the personal computer. This leads rather directly into the next major point: OPERATING SYSTEMS WHICH ISOLATE THE USER FROM THE COMPUTER As any technology becomes less novel, there is a tendency to make the technology more normalized. 90% or more of users of a specific technology use that technology to do only a limited set of tasks, to the point where that set of tasks becomes broadly assumed to be why people acquire and use that technology in the first place. (See the point above about entertainment and "communication.") As this conception of the applications of a technology solidifies in the public's mind, the design of technology begins to center around it. Systems are designed to facilitate what that 90+% of users are doing, even if that design restricts potential alternative applications of the technology which might be used by a minority--say, less than 1% of users. It is a natural consequence, then, that when computer operating environments are designed today, they are crafted to make it as easy as possible for people to do things like listen to music, watch movies, and send e-mail to other people. These kinds of tasks are given top priority and icons to access them are usually made prominently available. Icons for running computer algebra systems, fluid simulations, or hardware debuggers are somewhat less in evidence on typical desktop environments. A personal computer is personal partly because it forms a symbiotic relationship with its user. The user acts on the computer, and vice-versa. In order for this relationship to be viable and beneficial, the computer must make itself open and available. It must not try to hide things from the user. It must not restrict what the user can do. Unfortunately, most operating systems today are designed with information-hiding and restriction of tasks as key design goals. It would be regrettable enough if these things happened by accident, but they don't--they are actually seen as elemements of good user interface design. There is a strong fear in the computer community today that people might learn new things, and so, in a concerted effort to keep this from happening, computers try to hide information about themselves whenever possible. Designers worry that people might be frightened by the prospect of seeing information, and so when a computer encounters an error, the extremely unhelpful message "An error has occurred" is often the only feedback a user gets. In times past, a computer would readily perform a core dump on encountering an error, displaying the contents of its memory buffer for the user to examine in determining why an error occurred. No longer is this seen as good design; now the focus is on shielding the hapless user from actually being able to understand anything. When microcomputers were first being developed, they were usually quite open in their architecture. A program could readily modify any byte in memory, and this was indeed normal practice for many years. At some point, it became conventional wisdom that allowing computer programs to act as computer programs was unsound, and so elaborate "memory protection" schemes were devised, whereby some controlling operating system software is the only program which has access to all memory, and user applications are actually run as slaves to the operating system, which parcels out memory to the applications and prevents one application from modifying memory that has been assigned to another; indeed, applications which attempt to modify another application's memory are often terminated immediately. The operating system has been elevated far beyond what it once was; at one point in time, the operating system nothing more than a tool to help the user by supplying a shell, along with a handful of useful function calls and utilities. Today, the operating system acts as judge, jury, and executioner, completely independently of user input, and indeed, largely beyond user control. Even operating systems which proudly trumpet messages of freedom suffer from this mentality. Linux, widely touted as "free as in speech, not as in beer," runs in a protected mode and prohibits any application from accessing resources that Linux has not assigned to the program. This makes it appreciably difficult to hex-edit a running program in memory from the command line. MS-DOS could do this readily. Linux cannot. Linux developers know that very few users actually would want to (or know how to) do such a thing, and so the idea of doing so is simply neglected and ignored. Today, the layers of isolation from the hardware which are imposed upon a user aren't even limited to those of the operating system. As programmers become more lazy and wish to be able to create data structures without understanding how those structures actually exist, layers upon layers of abstraction are created, resulting in software that is unnecessarily complex, slow, and inordinately difficult to debug as an actual CPU process. Today, incredibly enough, actual computer programs are losing favor to web applications, which run entirely in a web browser. This means that users now have an operating system laid on top of hardware which isolates them from the hardware, running a web browser (which was probably coded in a high-level language since most operating systems today won't let you write in assembler or machine language), which in turn runs either a runtime environment (such as that used by Java) that executes the actual application code, or runs stripped-down scripting languages that literally don't even have functions to write to memory, let alone permissions from the operating system to do so. People code not in computer languages like assembler or CPU opcodes, nor even in high-level languages like C or Pascal; today, developers "program" in web languages like HTML, JavaScript, and PHP. To call such activity "computer programming" is akin to claiming that being able to turn a steering wheel makes someone an auto mechanic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ None of these shifts in attitudes toward computers is a technology limitation. (Some might argue that the use of protective operating systems is a technology limitation, but it really isn't--the technology exists to create an operating system that doesn't limit what the user can do. It's just that mainstream computer users and manufacturers do not want to create or use computers with such operating systems.) All of these shifts are a consequence of how people think about computers. This is why I say that the idea of the personal computer is dead. The personal computer isn't dead, and never will be; it was never alive to begin with. It was, and always will be, just a machine, and to recreate a machine, given the appropriate diagrams and schematics, isn't an insurmountable challenge. What is dead is the idea of the computer as a personal device, as a tool for exploring the depths of science, creativity, math, and the human mind. Computers are no longer seen as anything special, because people have forgotten (or never realized in the first place) how powerful they can be in educating, empowering, and inspiring people. Instead, a computer is now regarded simply as a time- and labor-saving tool, like a screwdriver or a washcloth. The function of such devices is devoid of variety or creativity; it is the complete antithesis of what a computer is. This article isn't about computers. It's about people. It's a summary of what happens when something which is filled with limitless potential is drained of all life when people seek to make the idea "mature" by utilizing* it, thinking only of how ideas can be turned into money, power, amusement, or other indulgence. *I use the word "utilize" here in its correct sense--not in the colloquial sense, in which it becomes a synonym for "use," but rather the meaning "to make utilitarian; to make useful or practical." This isn't to say that nobody in the world cares about personal computers anymore; it's just that the people who do are a marginalized minority, like archaeologists, and people who are actually well-versed in literature, geography, and history rather than who simply pretend to be. There will probably always be a small group of such people in the world, but their pursuits are unlikely to ever be "popular" in the mainstream sense, nor are they likely to ever make much money pursuing such ends. Make no mistake: There was never much money in the personal computer industry to begin with. The people who got rich in the computer industry are those who pandered to big business. The few exceptions are those who happened to be lucky enough to be the sole suppliers of personal computers at a time when the industry was just beginning. If you're the sole source of water in the world, you don't need marketing, sales, or research and development; the world will beat a path to your door. The likes of those who got rich designing and selling the world's first personal computers happened to be in the right place at the right time, but they would not have gotten rich in today's world doing what they did then. I'll close this article as I began it: With a quote from the man himself. "Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without talking about the other." --Bill Gates He's right. Say what you will about Gates, but in many ways, he's a man who gets it. Goodbye, personal computer.