The Joy Of Computing What's really interesting about computers is how much they are capable of. On the surface, a computer looks like a simple device; the computer is fundamentally a screen and a keyboard, plus the actual computer case which the user doesn't usually interact with very much. But the power of the computer comes in how much you can do with that screen and that keyboard. The power of the screen is the fact that it can show virtually anything that can be viewed with the human eye. Unlike drawings, which communicate a static set of ideas, the screen can morph in a fraction of a second to display or convey almost any thought. Consider how many books have been written, how many books are printed, and how many books get read. Books are a big deal in human society. Yet a screen can display any text you wish. This is the power of television: The screen. But a computer goes beyond the screenish power of television and adds much more. A computer allows you to interact. With a keyboard, you can type anything. Every letter of the English language is there (and mechanisms exist to enter non-English characters as well), meaning any thought you wish to convey can be easily placed into the machine. But not only can a computer store and display information; it can process it. This is the key to the seemingly limitless capabilities of a computer. The processor of a computer can process and control, something no other device could do before computers, except perhaps in a very limited context. With a few amazingly simple concepts--the processor, the screen, and the input device--has been created quite possibly the most revolutionary device humanity has ever known. The scope of things you can do with a computer are beyond the extent of the human imagination. One of the simplest things you can do with a computer is control the color of one pixel on the screen. Yet the act of doing so brings a thrill not unlike plucking the string of a musical instrument. When I was learning how to make graphics on a computer, I cannot describe the astonishment I felt when I first entered a byte into my video memory. Having poked the value for a red pixel into an appropriate memory location, a dot on my screen turned red. It was a moment perhaps comparable to Archimedes' epiphany while taking a bath. But Archimedes only discovered how to determine the volume of an object; a significant discover to be sure, but his "eureka!" seemed to pale in comparison to mine: Like a child shrieking that he has just seen Santa Claus, "I MADE A RED PIXEL!!!" This same sort of epiphany was repeated when I learned how to play a note on a computer's speaker, and repeated yet again, years later, when sound cards came into existence and I learned how to play much more sophisticated notes on those wonders of FM synthesis. The television appeals to the two most important human senses: Sight and hearing. This accounts for much of its potency. Yet a computer can not only replicate this functionality (as most modern computers have screens and speakers of their own), it also extends it far beyond the television. With the proper hardware, a computer could be programmed to appeal to *all* of the human senses. Already many devices exist to provide sensory feedback to computer users, thereby involving the sense of touch. It is also certainly possible to devise a device to mix chemicals together and dispense them through output interfaces to affect the senses of smell and taste. The use of such senses within computing has been rather limited, partly because the senses of smell and taste usually form a lesser part of the human experience, but there is no reason why they could not be involved as well. Yet sensory experience is not the greatest aspect of computing. The best part of computing is that it involves the user in a way that most forms of media do not. The interactivity of the computer is what makes it so incredibly appealing. By pressing one button, you can make anything happen. The computer can be programmed to display any image, play any sound, or perform any other computery act in response to a keypress. There's nothing quite like playing your first computer game and watching your character move in response to your keypresses. "I PUSHED THE LEFT ARROW AND THE LITTLE PERSON MOVED TOWARD THE LEFT!" Beat THAT, other forms of media. The simple capabilities of input, processing, and output would already make the computer the most revolutionary man-made device ever. But people have found many ways to extend the capabilities of the computer in directions that did not originally seem obvious or possible. Consider, for example, the marvel of "artificial intelligence". Much research has been put into neural networks, which model the thought patterns of the human brain. Yet they can be implemented using a common, simple home computer to make a machine that processes information in remarkably human-like ways. The potential of future artificial intelligence is beyond the human imagination, but even the capabilities of present-day artificial intelligence are unique: You can sit down and type "I don't think that it is possible, using current ideology, to conceive of a machine cooler than the computer," and have a synthesized voice speak a response: "Why don't you think that it is possible, using current ideology, to conceive of a machine cooler than the computer?" THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!! If this experience can be duplicated with any device other than a computer, I'd sure like to know about it. Today, I am saddened by the extent to which people have lost sight of what computers can do. If you go into a home electronics store today, computers share shelf space next to audio systems, televisions, and telephones, especially cellular telephones. Why do people limit themselves to the impotent world of passive audio and video, when a computer can replace televisions and stereos due to its video and audio processing capabilities, while simultaneously doing so much more? The cell phone phenomenon also baffles me: People everywhere speak on cell phones, yet the cell phone does nothing except convey the human voice. What's the big deal? Sure, it can be entertaining for a few minutes to speak into a phone or listen to one and think "Hey, I'm speaking through electronics to someone who's not locally here!" and get a mild kick out of the experience, but like a children's toy which seems cool but really only does one thing, the novelty wears off quickly, and afterwards the cell phone can't do much else. Perhaps this accounts for the decline of the modern electronics industry. Clearly, nobody really cares about nonsensical devices like televisions, stereos, or cell phones; people really want cool, awesome things like MOSFETs. So-called "home electronics" retailers would do well to eliminate their current stock and replace it with a broad array of practical technologies like FPGAs. Even the computer itself has been reduced in modern society to be mainly a communication device. E-mail is the dominant purpose for which computers are used. While e-mail is a very useful and important tool in modern society, it is only one of many things that computers are capable of. The Internet did much to drive adoption of household computers, yet people seem to have forgotten that home computers existed for decades before the Internet boom, and people in those days often didn't even have modems; there's so much you can do with a computer without ever going out onto a network. Networks certainly expand the range of possibilities for what a computer can do, but even an unconnected computer is a machine with limitless potential. I hope that through this article, I have communicated how much can be done with a computer, and how pleasurable it can be to do those things with a computer. I hope that people will recognize just how versatile the computer really is, and appreciate the possible ways it can augment human life. Thanks for reading this, and I hope that in your life, you find that computers also allow you to express your imagination in ways you'd never expected.