Info Bites

If you're like me, you tend to collect small bits of information which may or may not be useful, but seem potentially useful (or at least interesting) enough to warrant keeping around. Such miscellaneous info can come from any place at any time. Some of them are fairly well-known but worth bearing in mind, others can be amazingly obscure and unknown to all but 3 people in the world. This page, then, is meant to be a dump of any interesting info bursts which I come across which I feel like sharing, either because they're useful or because the information in them is so hard to find that you likely won't find it anywhere else. (And yes, people who actually downloaded it may notice that these are just taken from my GCOMP file.)

1. The DOS process table
2. Windows built-in shell security
3. Private Internet addresses
4. PC chipset chips
5. IDE hard drive jumper settings
6. Phone wire colors
7. The TCP three-way handshake
8. Undeleting files
9. FAT format
10. Circuit Board Component Abbreviations
11. The Meaning of 10BaseT
12. Why High-Speed Buses Are Serial Rather Than Parellel
13. Applesoft BASIC (Apple II) Commands, Functions, And Reserved Words
14. Commodore 64 Commands, Functions, And Reserved Words
15. UTP cable categories
16. IP Address Classes
17. Transistor Theory
18. Installing programs in Linux
19. DoS (Denial of Service) Attack Types
20. Maximum Cable Lengths
21. E-Mail Formatting
22. Rainbow Books
23. Wiring a volume control to your internal speaker
24. Switching Around Your DOS Video Mode
25. Levels Of Microchip Miniaturization
26. Motherboard DIP Switches
27. How To Solder
28. Toner Powder Ingredients
29. Bell series and V-series modem standards
30. Fiber-Optic Line Speeds
31. Computer Careers/Jobs
32. Using An AdLib-Compatible Sound Card's FM Chip
33. Calculating IP Checksums
34. Calculating TCP Checksums
35. Making A Circuit Board
36. RBOCs (Regional Bell Operating Companies)
37. DRAM Memory Access
38. Classic CPU pins
39. Detecting A Carrier
40. Matching new RAM to old RAM
41. Bitwise Vs. Logical Expressions
42. How To Specify A NIC's Settings To LILO
43. Loading Programs On A Commodore 64
44. Outlook Express Files
45. Redirecting With JavaScript
46. 16-bit Windows Modes
47. A Crash Course In BitchX Commands
48. UUCP Address Format
49. Making A Bootable Floppy Disk (or, Making A Floppy Disk Bootable)
50. How To Link Two Computers Together Via Modem Locally
51. Major Internet Backbone Companies
52. How RAID Affects Disk Access Speed
53. How To Secure A Public-Access Web Browser In Win9x
54. Data Variable Types
55. Adding A Flash Movie To Your Website
56. RAID Levels
57. CLSIDs Which Come Built Into Windows
58. The Bulgarian Computer Virus Connection
59. SRAM (Static RAM) Chip Pins
60. Establishing A PPP Link
61. Phone Line Voltage
62. How To Quickly Get A Z80 CPU Chip Running
63. How To Quickly Get A 6502 CPU Chip Running
64. PC Bus Card Edge Connector Information
65. Industry-Standard Alphanumeric LCD Display Info
66. Industry-Standard Graphical LCD Display Info
67. Introduction To The 6522 VIA (Versatile Interface Adapter)
68. What Happens When A CPU Starts
69. Constant-Voltage Batteries And "Memory Effect"
70. Computer Programming And Process Flow
71. Principles Of A CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
72. The 8080's support chips (the 8224 and the 8228)
73. Telephone System Status Tones
74. VGA Connector Pin Information
75. The HTTP Referer field
76. Pop-up messages in Windows
77. "Administrator approved" ActiveX Controls
78. Instruction Decoders and Combinatorial Circuits
79. How To Use A DLL
80. Quick Start To Commodore 64 Machine Language Programming
81. The Atari 2600's RF Shield
82. The Two Ways You Can Play Digitized Sound On A Sound Blaster
83. Features To Look For In A Web Host
84. Getting the scroll wheel on a mouse to work in XWindows
85. Viewing a web page with a Telnet program, and how this changes from HTTP 1.0 to HTTP 1.1
86. Not running ScanDisk when you install Windows 9x
87. Setting up Windows XP in DOS mode
88. Setting which users appear on Windows XP's welcome screen
89. PC Sound Card Jack Colors
90. Disassembling The Apple IIgs
91. Slot purposes on Apple II computers
92. Creating a CompactFlash card for use with an Apple II
93. Running programs on an Apple IIgs

A gentleman named Mike Webster has compiled a "brain dump" of key points of his A+ test. Although this obviously should not be taken as a complete study guide for the test, it could probably be helpful for anyone who's planning to take it. It is divided into two parts. Here they are:
Part 1
Part 2

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