Welcome to "Say What?!?!" tons of interesting facts! Hope you enjoy if you have any facts to add to this list please email me. Thank Ya and enjoy!
1. How many times can a woodpecker peck?
Twenty times a second.
2.When Joseph Gayetty invented toilet paper in 1857, he had his name printed on each sheet.
 3. Thomas Paine,the author of Common Sense and the creator of the name "United States of America", died in obscurity June 8, 1809. Only six people came to his funeral in New York.
 4. Laugh and you'll burn up three and a half calories.
 5. When asked to name a color, three out of five people will say "red"
 6. Most people take an average of seven minutes to fall asleep.
 7. The tallest man in the world is 8'11" Robert Wadlow. He was just 22 years old when he died in 1949 from an infection caused by leg braces he needed to keep him on his feet.
8. The female praying mantis devours her male partner while mating.
9. A fly's taste buds are in its feet.
10. "wanted: young, skinny, wiry fellows not over 18. Must be expert riders, willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred. Wages $25.00 a week." - If you fit this mid 1800's help wanted ad, you'd have been a perfect candidate for the Pony Express.
11. A U.S. government-backed study found that pigs can become alcoholics.
12. The U.S Government will not allow portraits of living persons to appear on postage stamps.
13. Mozart never went to school.
14. Smokey the Bear's origional name was Hot Foot Teddy.
15. The actual playing time in a big league baseball game which lasts two and a half hours has been clocked at 9 minutes and 55 seconds.
16. Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite.
17. After Custer's Last Stand, Sioux Indian leader Chief Sitting Bull became tan entertainer and toured the country with Bill's Wild West Show.
18. Elephants are not afraid of mice.
19. In 1949, the University of Southern California's Division of Fine Arts conducted a poll to select the man with "the most nearly perfect male figure." The winner- Ronald Reagan.
20. In ancient China, doctors received their fees only if their patients were kept healthy. If their health failed, the doctor sometimes paid the patient.
21. The honey bee is the only bee that dies after stinging.
22. The only person whose birthday is a legal holiday everywhere in the U.S. is George Washington.
 23. The only letter not used in the spelling of any of the 50 states in the U.S. is "q."
 24. The great horned owl is the only animal that will eat a skunk.
 25. Abraham Lincoln did not set foot in Illinois, "the Land of Lincoln", until he was an adult.
 26. The oak tree is struck more than any other by lightning.
27. Jaguars are scared of dogs.
28. The National Safety Council reports that the object most often choked on by Americans is the toothpick.
29. Almost half the bones in your body are in your hands and feet.
30. In colonial times, a plumber was called a plumbum worker.
31. Marilyn Monroe's body was used as a model for the creation of Peter Pan's friend, Tinker Bell.
32. The roller coaster was invented in Russia in the 17th century.
33. Your brain is 80 percent water.
34. A flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down.
35. Abraham Lincoln died in a bed slept in by his assassin, John Wilkes Booth.
36. African elephants stay on their feet for 30 or 40 years.
37. A survey claims that the most popular name fo a male cat is "Tiger"; for a female, it's "Samantha."
38. Researchers have found that, on the left hand, the ring finger is longer than the index finger in only three out of ten women, but in six of ten men the ring finger wins hands down.
39. Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the death of their cats.
40. Peter Minuit bought New York from the Indians for $24 in 1626.
41. In the 1800"s in England, anyone who unsuccessfully attemted suicide faced the death penalty.
42. Honking horns on wedding cars dates back to the old practice of blowing horns and ringing bells at       newlyweds to ward of evil spirits.
43. A secretary's left hand does 56 percent of the typing.
44. Pluto, the Disney dog, was originally called Rover.
45. It takes eight minutes for light to travel from the sun to the earth.
46. One cord of wood can make seven and one half million tooth-picks.
47. At this very moment, 70% of Americans driving on the highway are speeding.
48. An adult has 206 bones. A newborn infant has 300.
49. The strongest muscle in your body is in your tongue.
50. The 1938 minimum wage was 25 cents per hour.
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