~Angel of the Hea®t~

Angel's Pen - A Piece Of My Heart


l have a gift that you can't buy,
as it costs no money.
l have a gift that you can't wrap up,
as it can't be concealed.
l have a gift that you can't see,
and yet it glows warmly.
l have a gift that you can't touch,
and yet it can be felt.
l have the greatest gift of life
to give you,
the gift of love.

© Pamela Hall
13th April, 1994


This poem is dedicated to my dear friend Teri, who inspired me to write it.
Forever your Guardian Angel....Always in my heart! *huge hugs*

l wish l could hold you in my arms,
so you could feel all my love.
A love which comes from a Guardian Angel,
who watches over you, from above.

When your heart is sad, and feeling weary,
just know that l am right here.
And even in your darkest moments,
feel my love embrace you, and hold you near.

lf you believe in the love l have to give you,
then your heart will never be alone.
For l will always be here with love and caring,
and cherish your heart, as though it were my own.

© Pamela Hall
24th April, 1998


l don't know why the angels came,
and decided to take you away.
They must have needed someone very special,
when they carried you on their wings that day.

l wondered how they could take you from me,
and leave me here on my own.
Then l realised your love would live on inside me,
so in my heart, l would never be alone.

God must have had a greater purpose for you,
when He decided your time on earth was done.
He must have wanted you for a heavenly angel,
so you would be able to watch over everyone.

The angels told Him you were so very special,
and could make the world a greater place to live.
So with wings full of love, they took you to Heaven,
and now everyone can feel all the love you have to give.

© Pamela Hall
30th April, 1998

©Gallery Graphics, Inc. MCMXCIV
"Victorian Traditions"


If we all just cared about everyone we knew,
the world would be a much better place.
If no judgements were made on our differences,
we could all live, as only one race.

If you care about me, and l care about you,
then the chain of friendship has begun.
lf we continue to link this wonderful chain,
it would spread across the world, and include everyone.

Then there would be no excuse for war,
because of race, or religion, or just plain greed.
And no reason for any weapons to hurt each other,
for if we're all joined as friends, there could be no need.

This isn't a perfect world for you, and for me,
but it is the only one we have to live in.
We can give our gift to mankind, by saying "l care",
and let the chain of friendship begin.

© Pamela Hall
1st May, 1998

Writing poetry is one of my greatest passions. l write with my heart. l would love to share my other poems with you, and if just one of them touches your heart, l thank you for allowing me to do that. ~smiles~


CYBER POETRY GREETINGS....coming soon. :)

ON THE SIDE OF ANGELS My Favourite Song!

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