COMMUNITY INTERACTIVE - where Geo residents can participate in various programs, such as the Community Leaders program, Top Of The rainforest recognition, and environmental surveys. WEB NETIQUETTE - whether you are new to the internet, or an old salt, this section offers tips on how to be a courteous and effective communicator.
rainforest WEBRINGS - this is the place to go to join an environmental webring. HELP SECTION - from basic html to setting up frames on your website, our Help pages are  available in several different languages.
rainforest CYBERZINE - the RF Journal is published monthly by RF Community Leaders, and focuses on environmental and conservation issues, hood happenings, resident spotlights, and contest news. HOLIDAY SECTION - where fun and games are the focus.  The RF Holiday Team has created lots of fun contests and activities for Geo citizens.  There are some great prizes being offered to the winners - all sponsored by members of the Holiday Team!

Come Join The Fun!!

TABLE OF CONTENTS - a complete listing of individual pages available at this website. NATURE WALKS - a wonderful stroll through the rainforest and its suburbs.
T.R.E.E.S. - The rainforest E-tech and Environment School is the virtual rainforest school which teaches HTML, Java, Javascript, DHTML, CSS and VRML. It will also have environmental classes very soon!

The rainforest Community Leaders have developed this website to assist homesteaders with various aspects of move-in and website development, and to encourage community activities that support the environmental and conservation themes of the rainforest.

We hope you have a pleasant experience browsing through the rainforest, and we invite you to come back often!