Earth/Animal Friendly & Save Our Planet
Award Submission Page

Requirements for either award:

  • Only sites that relate in some way to animal rights or the environment are eligible.
  • Only sites that are for general viewing are permitted. (No adult sites or sites that promote specific ethnic, religious, or hate viewpoints)
  • Your organization or site must promote only earth/animal friendly products or ideas.
  • If your site is chosen as a recipient of our award, please provide a link back to our page.

You may submit your page for consideration, or submit a friend's page. Selected sites are listed in the Top Dog's section of this site.

Fill out the following form and we will drop by your site. After our visit, the recipients will be notified via email. All we ask is that you display the "Earth/Animal Friendly Award" or the "Save Our Planet Award" with a link back to us on your site.

    Your Name:
    Pet Friendly
    Earth/Animal Friendly
    Save Our Planet
    Email Address: (Required)
    URL Address: (Required)
    Title of Your Home Page:
    One Line Description:

    How did you find Society for Species Management & Survival?

    Please press the "Come Check My Site!" button only once.

    You will be notified via email within 72 hrs. regarding your submission. Good Luck!

The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.

--Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)

Please recycle! Visit this site often!"


� 1997 Spidey & Kit