FOOTSTEPS OF MAN TRACCE Online Rockart Bulletin
IFRAO Number n. 5 1996 October
Send texts and images for next issue at Andrea Arcà email
Footsteps of Man is an IFRAO association from Valcamonica - Italy

Maintained by Footsteps of Man (Le Orme dell'Uomo) archaeological Cooperative, piazza Donatori di Sangue 1 - 25040 CERVENO (BS) - ITALY - phone +39-364-433.983 fax +39-364-43.43.51 email [email protected]

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The GENERAL page
Claire Smith Australian Developments in the Dating of Rock Art
T. W. Wyrwoll Rock Art Research - a science without a name
Grant S. McCall Upside Down Kudu: away from Western Stereotypes

Fieldwork participants Sliding into enlightenment

The CÔA special page
L. Oosterbeek De Foz C�a � l'ensemble du territoire Portugais
Abreu -Arc�-Fossati-Jaffe C�a Valley: the Discovery
Abreu -Arc�-Fossati-Jaffe C�a Valley: from the Dam to the Park
Abreu -Arc�-Fossati-Jaffe The Vermelhosa site and the "Etched in time" project
A. Fossati The Iron Age in the Rock Art of Vermelhosa, Portugal
A. Arc� Palaeolithic figures in the rock n. 1 of Vermelhosa
J. A. Bravo Nunez The geology of the Douro and C�a Valley
B. Campos Do it nice or give you the truth?
C.V.R.A. C�wa Valley joke...

G. Chiari, R. Compagnoni, R. Giustetto Use of non destructive X-Ray Diffraction Analyses

IIIE classroom children The village named Camuna has a party on the moon

Editor Reviews and Newsletters | Archaeo-links | News and appointments
Editor We call for texts (next issue: 1997 January)!

Past ISSUES and links
Past Issues 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 past issues TRACCE 1 TRACCE2 TRACCE3 TRACCE4 TRACCE INDEX

Valcamonica Rock Art Valcamonica
TRACCE home page Valcamonica


call any email information to

Mr. Andrea Arcà - Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo
[email protected]

Or write or fax or phone:
Dr. Angelo Fossati - Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo
piazzale Donatori di Sangue 1- 25040 CERVENO (Bs), Italy
tel. 39-364-433983 - fax 39-364-434351

English editing by Maurice Zanon

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