Senoch FAQ 1.0

1. What is a senoch?
2. Why did you create the senoch?
3. Why did you take down the website (the Senoch Adoption Agency)?
4. Will you make me a custom senoch?
5. When will you make more senoch pictures?

1. What is a senoch?

Senoch are fairy-tale creatures, something like a cross between a dog and a monkey, who have evolved on an isolated continent of an Earth-like planet. The various clans are adapted to the terrain they live in, whether it's mountains, deserts, beaches, forests, or swamps. There are five main clans, and several minor clans. The names of the clans are drawn from Aztec mythology. The senoch were created by Kelly Hamilton (owner of this site) circa 1994.


2. Why did you create the senoch?

I thought the idea of a cyber adoption agency was pretty cute, but at the time there were only normal pets like cats and guinea pigs. Why not create something unique? So I took these creatures I'd drawn up, and turned them into 'adoptable' graphics.


3. Why did you take down the website (the Senoch Adoption Agency)?

I hadn't had time to update it lately, and then I started having copyright problems. A girl I'd given permission to create a senoch RPG a few months earlier had started claiming my art and designs as her own. She refused to give me credit or remove the art from her site, then began posting harassing forum messages and emails. To prevent further theft by her and other unscrupulous individuals, I took down the senoch images and site. As you see, one bad apple can spoil the fun for everyone. A new copyright-enhanced site is in the works.


4. Will you make me a custom senoch?

I don't have time to do requests anymore, but I make take commissions for custom senochs in the future. For $8 or so, you'd get a custom-made critter for your site. That's still in the works, though.


5. When will you make more senoch pictures?

You gotta understand, the original designs were made *years* ago. They've just stayed popular for that long! I'm in college now, studying animation, so I have other things that I need to work on (like getting a real job, for one!) In other words, it's not likely in the near future.

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copyright © Kelly Hamilton 2001