Thanks "SweetPets" & MS BARB:)!


They're HEREEE:), just a *FEW* of our ABSOLUTE BEST DOG!, et al AWARD SAMPLES! 'Course we started out with Absolute Best Pics of precious little SOUTHERN BELLE PEKE me, gig, since I AM the Prezette of the Club, natch:)! So if you likey, just send me an e-mail, okaydokay? We'll get back at ya Absolute Best Soonest of the Soon, 2:)!

Mite even see us on ... ==_BROADWAY_== ..., giggle, since we R the ABSOLUTE BEST DOG!,et al!

Luv Ya!

==_ I Just BARKED 2 SING I LUV YA_==:). This is MY daDDy derF's FAVORITE PIC,2:)! Hope yawl like my ABSOLUTE BEST DOG! LUV YA AWARD,2! More of the My Peke Family pics are available now and UNCLE DARRYL is the one who made them for us! Also, our 'other' ABD! Friendzzzs will have some AWARDS! Watch Out 4 'em!

Peke Award

This is one of MY FAVORITE PEKE *SKETCHES* by an old friendzzz of mine MS. GIZMO:)and *HER* SLAVE MS. DAWN JACKSON! This is a *SKETCH* of MS. GIZMO too! Isn't she just Absolute Best BEAUTIFUL:)?

Winner Award

This is MY:) favorite picture and you will remember see'n it on my PREZ. PAGE, natch! Welllll I s@@ HUBBY think'n he's a "Romeo":) CHANGIE KOI'S pic beneathy me! And there's BABY(no more) MS. SCARLETT, 2 (Grin)!

Tish THE 'Dish' (Just LUV 2 l@@ky at myselfy!)

Golly Gee Whizzz, wish that *I* was a AB*GOLDISH*RED*HEAD:),:)!!!!

Winner Award

Here he issss:) in all of his ROYAL SPLENDOR:), MY Hubby CHANGIE KOI MING LING, IV aka "Romeo":) Koi*Boi! He really is a CON*ceited little rascal. Just barky DAUGHTER MS. SCARLET if you don't B*lieve me, T-hee! If any of you'ns would like this Award just drop us an E-mail!

Winner Award

This pic of DAUGHTTER SCARLETT (who *prefers* 2 B barked *MS.* SCARLETT)..Independent little thingy:)... is when she was younger but just LUV it to deathy:)! SCARLETT looks like me nowl, butt her MASK just isn't quite as BLACKY! isn't she just one GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL DOLL? ==_Oh, You Beautiful Doll...You Great BIG BEAUTIFUL DOLL!"_==

Cool Site Award

ABKIT*KAT aka CAT:) *KING COLE* is a MERRY OL' SOUL and he is sooooo happy that he has his very own Absolute Best Kit*Kat! AWARD for any of his 'other feline friendzzzs' out there! Just Meowy if any of you FELINE SLAVES would like COLE'S C-O-O-L SIGHT...er, SITE:) AWARD, okay??

CHECK OUT our Absolute Best & Firstest of the First AB*GUINEA PIGGIE LUV YA AWARDY!!! Isn't BRIARSTONE *TEDDY* just a DOLL:)? His Award was just *Previewed*:) on MAMA*D'S page, along with BRATSO "Jj" and MARY MARGARET! TEDDY is the "Owner" of MS. CONNI & PATRICK AUTHIER of BRIARSTONE ACRES in the STATE OF WASHINGTON:)! C more about him on MARY MARGARET'S SITE & have some FUN l@@ky'n at ALL of those ABP!ETS, especially the 'other' kind of PIGGIE that goes Oinky...oinky:)!

Andddd LAST BUT NOT LEAST is our ==_"LADY!"_== ABD!BORZOI*MARY MARGARET'S LUV YA AWARD! Visit HER site by clicking on HER BOX on ABD!, et al PREZ. TISHNA'S PAGE and if yawl would just LUV to have HER *Reward*..er, AWARD, just barky all yawl BORZOI LOVERS 'out there', okayDokay:)???

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