Welcome to my Guestbook!

Lois J. Hays - 05/05/99 05:54:19
My Email:[email protected]

I have just found your site, cute!!!

Sean & Clem Murphy - 04/24/99 11:15:55
My Email:[email protected]

I have a pet that I absolutely adore. My heart goes out to you and your family for the loss of your beloved pet. Clem Murhpy

- 04/17/99 00:24:56


Stephanie - 04/12/99 07:03:32
My Email:[email protected]

Hi, I loved your web page. Thanks for putting Rocky and Lucky's pic up! Stephanie

Harold B - 04/08/99 03:47:19
My URL:http://Ain't got none
My Email:[email protected]

Nice web page some day I will have one MABE HA HA

Jackie - 04/07/99 11:46:07
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/Husky_Lover
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Tish! remember me? I have a new web pagey all about Siberian Huskies! Please visit and sign my guestbook! I'll be back again!

Bobette & Sturgis - 04/05/99 22:57:38
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Peeknees
My Email:[email protected]

Hiya Tish ... we tank u 4 sinin owr gestbuk ... we weeeely lik meeetin nu frenz lik u and we tink ur fery pretttty an we likd meeetin ur famleee 2 ... woo wooo wooooooooo luf sturgis n bobettttttte

- 04/03/99 04:40:47
My URL:ABWLily.html


Cathy - 03/28/99 15:13:47
My URL:http://members.aol.com/yankeetenn/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

What a delightful site. You had me talking in dawg southern slang by the time I got done here. (bg). Love the pictures, these dogs are georgeous. Happy Belated birthday Fred or should I say derf...lol.

Rascal - 03/25/99 21:58:22
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/4890
My Email:[email protected]

Hi you guys! I like your page. It is really neat! Come on over and visit my page!! I am a Labrador Retriever mix. *Huggs*

Kathy K. (Hommie 1) - 03/23/99 00:08:52
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Doris, Thought I'd stop by and say hi to you and your 3 "shadows". Neat web page! Hugs, Kathy K.

CHANGIE KOI*BOI,IV - 03/19/99 02:08:04

Welll, Tish THE 'Dishy' . . . did you ever LEARN *HOWL* to leave the ABD! Banner in this here Guest Booky, chuckle? Betcha didn't ==_u GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL DOLL!_== daDDy*Koi*Boi, naturally...Ooops!! I thinky she GOT 'IT':), TWICE, that is:)!

Tom - 03/04/99 09:30:58
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Mamma D! Fine job on this web page!! Wow! -Tom, Paula, Zachary Shang, Misha, Tyler and Derf2

Jim Allen - 03/01/99 01:16:42
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/photoshop/398/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

Great site I enjoyed myself thanks for inviting me!
Rita - 02/23/99 23:41:52
My Email:[email protected].

I'm having a difficult time connecting to the Other Friendzies page. Hope everyone enjoys the pics of my grandog ChiChi and his buddies Pascow and Elvis.

Kagome - 02/20/99 17:56:04
My URL:http://come.to/KAW
My Email:[email protected]

I don't really know if you're using this guestbook, but I'd like in any case tell you that I love your site. I have a dog too, and I love him ^_^ I love animals, and I think that your site is great!

Erzsebet - 02/19/99 16:04:07
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Estates/6391/
My Email:[email protected]

Just wanted to thank you for signing our Guestbook. Lovely pictures, lovely dogs. Woofs from Felix to all your furry friends.

Jackie - 02/17/99 22:40:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az/dogs
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Tish! Have signed this guestbook. Are those games up yet? Just wonderin, how do you get qualified to win an award for your website? I want my site to win an award! Love your pics!

Kath - 02/14/99 15:39:48
My Email:[email protected]

I love your sites. The hampster is so adorable that I keep in on line to open periodically.

The little dog JOSCHI - 02/01/99 07:41:56
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/4000
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I love your site. My DAD is a Peke as well. My MOM was a Longhaired Dachshund. I'm living in Germany as the beloved pet of a painter, and I wanna sy woof! woof! to all them dogs and all living beings all around this fine smelling plaent earth.
The Little Dog JOSCHI

Shirley Riddle - 01/29/99 03:32:31
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Park/8786/
My Email:[email protected]

I love your pekes. They are so adorable. I have realy enjoyed my visit and bookmarked your site to come back to. I am also interested in the pekes rescues....so please let me know some info about them. I would like to invite you back fr a visit to my plac anytime.

Rocky The Pug !!! - 01/24/99 06:27:58
My URL:http://www.multimania.com/melarios/melanie/rocky_le_pug.htm
My Email:[email protected]

Hello !!! I've just visiting your website and i really enjoy my self ! I really link your picture (beside the computer is my favorite) If you want to send me one of your pics, i will put in my page. Thank you and stop at my place ! ******* I have my own award now ....********** Bye bye ! � la prochaine ! Rocky -xxx-

Alexandra - 01/22/99 04:41:51
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/1390
My Email:[email protected]

Your site is very nice. Congratulations! By the way, thanks for visiting me and signing my guestbook. See you ;)

Kimmy - 01/21/99 23:13:59
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/sundog
My Email:[email protected]

I just loved your site and your pekes are beautiful! l'll be back again to visit often. :-) Keep up the great work you're doing and take care!

Jocelyn - 01/20/99 15:38:43
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/6500
My Email:[email protected]

Cute site - we like Brandon best of course because our son is named Brandon :D. Drop by sometime, we'd love to have you!
Come visit my playground! Come visit my House of Fun!

Changie Koi*Boi - 01/20/99 01:30:12
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/8034/
My Email:[email protected]

Wellll, Baby Girlie MS. SCARLETT . . . looks as though yawl have been *misinformed* about HOWL 2 put the ABD! Banner here sweetie*piezee! Butt then have always heard tail that, in YOUR CASE:), "Tomorrow IS Another Day!", right, chuckle, My Little Dahl'n SCARLETT? daDDy*Changie Koi ...OOPS, "TO ORROW" came, huh, chuckle?

Ms. Scarlett - 01/20/99 01:20:08
My Email:[email protected]

Just check'n out our ABD! Banner to see just HOWL GOODY 'it' LOOKYS, chuckle! Baby Scarlett, natch:)!


MamaHawk & Rosie - 01/13/99 02:15:25
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/9288
My Email:[email protected]


Hi,I loved your site! Your doggys are little cuties! Keep up the good work!
If you get a chance stop in for a visit with Rosie & leave your paw-print in her guestbook. :o)
She has lots of things to see and do including...her very own webring "Rosie's Doggy Friends" all breeds are WELCOME to join...send a chihuahua card, add your pets picture to her photo album and much more.
Hope to see you there. :o)

Hey Rosie even has a club in yahoo for chihuahua owners too!

Joanne Porter - 01/08/99 08:17:20
My Email:[email protected]

Hi ABD!!! Thank you for visiting my homepage and signing my guestbook. I am glad you enjoyed it. I have been so busy the past month that I was not able to do my holiday decorations or holiday s ction on my webpage. Maybe I'll get around to it before the end of January! Your Pekes are just adorable! Pekes are centainly a unique breed with a unique personality, aren't they? My little rescue Shih Tzu is a little stinker, too! Thanks again for visiting and the kind ords.

Joanne's Woof-muffins

lilywolf and gus - 01/08/99 03:43:54
My Email:[email protected]

Here we are!!! And even got here, on the Net!! The classic wouldn't let us on Chat.:( Butt we got there...and when we did...we saw "Lilywolf" has signed on...and then "ZAP"..Navigation cancelled!!:( Saw there were 34 friendzees in the Chat Room!! Wish we ere there.... Jean with Lily and Gus

The BratCats - 01/06/99 16:24:15
My URL:http://www.bratcats.com
My Email:[email protected]

Hello, Tish the Dish and thank you for visiting The BratCats and signing their guestbook. You made our meowmie cry when she saw all of those pekes (and especially one that looked just like our peke-sister, Cream Puff, now waiting for us all at Rainbow Br dge. As much as we love meowmie, we don' think she will ever fully get over losing Cream Puff.

Kimberly McCoy - 12/31/98 19:17:22
My URL:http://www.gananoque.com/
My Email:[email protected]

We have two dogs ourselves. A Brindle-Boxer and a Lsa Aphso. We love them very much. What a pair these two are. Boxer is going on 3 yrs. and the Lsa is 6mos. They are best buds.

Auntie!:) - 12/29/98 04:55:27
My Email:hnmy82b

We're here!!!

**Husky** - 12/28/98 22:57:59
My URL:http://www.dogfancy.com
My Email:[email protected]

Hi. Why is your website just about your dog? People would probably like your site better if u put more things to do. I went into the forum. Couldn't use it cuz i'm under 13. Spice up this site, just a little. Create something everyone can do.

Steve Scheer - 12/21/98 07:12:35
My Email:[email protected]

Keep up the good work, Doris and furballs.

Eddy Gaeta - 12/18/98 22:44:26
My Email:[email protected]

I just love the web site!

Bette Heidorn - 12/16/98 14:33:53
My URL:http://www.iac.net/~bheidorn
My Email:[email protected]

Hey!! Katie Here!!!! Good Job Tish!!! Mom let me do this for a change. Gotta good back and check out all the links. Love to you and yours!! Katie and her Mom, Bette

Laura Forbis - 12/12/98 00:44:50
My Email:[email protected]

Lookin' AW*BEST, Mama*D!!!! WONDERFUL JOB!!!!

deanne - 12/11/98 20:16:27

WOW! this is a wonderful site, looks just like the "magazine". we're all doing well, hope you are too, and thank you all! ~deanne

- 12/11/98 01:44:13


Rose - 12/10/98 19:21:21
My Email:[email protected]

Great job!! Long live our Pekes! (et al)

Lisa - 12/10/98 00:47:35
My Email:[email protected]

It's looking wonderful! Thanks again for including all of us in it. I know a lot of work went into this. Love ya!

Debra Kenny - 12/09/98 21:02:48
My Email:[email protected]

Seasons Greetings! WOW! What a beautiful job Mama*D,Tishy,Koi*Boi,Scarlett and of course that extremely talented "Secret*Pal Elfie!":)did with the ABD!WebPage! Y'all are terrific! Thanks a million for all of your labors of love!! Also, for all your prayers for Jesse'Jacob aka"Jj"!:)X0X

Debra Kenny - 12/09/98 20:48:56


TomMonger - 12/09/98 18:42:34
My Email:[email protected]

Woo hoo, Mama D!! Looks like your web site is really coming along well! Very nice!!!! -Tom

DoodleAckerman - 12/04/98 21:26:12
My Email:[email protected]

Well..... look at that doggy in the e-mail... next to the fire hydrant... hahahaha, didn't know girlys used a fire hydrant, but I know I like em'.

Lisa - 12/04/98 14:43:40
My Email:[email protected]

Great work!!! It's looking really good!! Thanks for including us all. Lisa & "The Pack"

Darryl Willaman - 12/03/98 21:23:18
My Email:[email protected]

This place is GREAT! Keep up the good work! :)

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