
Welcome to our "GROOMING TIPS" Page.

Our long-time Friendzzz ABK!s MS. KAYLEIGH, KING COLE,& Kassidy along with ABD!Conner (And their Slave Ms. LISA:0) ANSWERED MANY MANY QUESTIONS about howl to GROOM us the RIGHT WAY! Please send your *questions* about grooming your particular breed ABD!, ABK!, et al directly to us in our E-mail & we will BARKY back our Absolute Best Answers just ASAP:0)!

Be back soon with info that everyone/thingy should find not only interesting but enjoyable about US ABD!s,et al aka PETS:)& our SLAVES as well! Keep *Tuned* kay:0)?? TISH THE 'DISH'

Hello All!!... I'll bet a lot of you didn't realize that taking care of your teeth is also part of the *grooming* process. A lot of groom shops now add toothbrushing as an added option.

Your mommy and/or daddy can brush your teeth at home and it doesn't take very long either! They can get a *special* toothbrush made just for us and also a *special flavored* toothpaste.

Most ABD! toothpaste is BEEF FLAVORED. Just put a dab of toothpaste on the *special* brush and they pull your lips back and brush your teethys for a few seconds. It's really NO BIG DEAL and doesn't hurt us in the least bit. Not to mention, we'll be more ABSOLUTE BEST *KISSABLE* 2:0)!!!

Another way to help *prevent* plaque from forming on our teeth is to remain on a *hard* kibble diet. Chew on rawhides and hard biscuits. And just like humans, it helps for us to have a yearly dental checkup by our Veternarians. They can also clean out teeth if the plaque and calculus buildup is REALLY bad!! So....lets take care of our 'chompers' because without them......you know what they say.........R BARKY ...or MEOWY:0)... *IS* WORSE THAN R BITEY !!!:0)

BRANDON (N The Know:0)

Hay, Hay, We have a QUESTION from some Anonymous:0)SLAVE! U Ready? Here 'it' is....

QUESTION: Where do you start, and *how much* do you CLIP around a ABD!COCKER SPANIEL'S *rump:0)??

TISHNA (Barky'n 4 the Anonymous Slave:0)!)

ANSWER: To answer the question from our Anonymous PET SLAVE:

Use a #10 blade on your clipper and only shave from the base of the tail to the bottom of the butt. If you shave any further than this, it will look really weird:0).


QUESTION: What about just *SCISSOR'N off the hair:0)?

THE 'DISH' barky'n, natch:0)!

ANSWER: If *preferred*, you can also scissor off the hair, being careful not to *nick* the dog, naturally;0)!


Here's a question from MS. STEPHANIE (Slave of ABD!DOOKY & ABK!MS.HERO). MS.STEPHANIE has asked for some advice for her KIT*KAT* MS.HERO!

QUESTION: My ABKat*MS. HERO has *thin* hair and some *bald* spots. What if ANYTHING will HELP HERO'S hair grow back, or make it fuller?

ANSWER: Yes, Stephanie.....there is a product on the market called SUPER BLOOM. It is a vitamin-mineral product that has a cheesy taste to it and is supposed to help the hair on ABD! & ABK!s grow fuller and may possibly fill in those *bald* spots you were talking about. Call your local Grooming Salons, Vet Clinics and/or Pet Shops to see where you can purchase it near you.

We sure do hope this product helps Kitty Kat*HERO!!! And, please let us know what happens:0).

You should be able to see results within the *first* month!

~~Bran The Man~~
Don't forget......send in any *Grooming* questions you may have to: [email protected]

I, BRANDON, & my Slave/Mommy LISA ) R looking forward to answering your questions!!


Here's a helpful *tip* for those of you with long hair!!! You know how sometimes we get little tangles and knots in our fur, especially in our ears, and you TERRIERS sometimes get them in your beards?? Well, to make it brush out a little easier and less painfully, have your Slave sprinkle on some CORN STARCH directly onto the *matt* or *tangle* and work it in, then take a slicker brush and the tangle should brush out a lot easier than it would have without anything. Try it and let us know what happens:0)!

And don't forget......You've got questions, we've got answers:0)!!!

Ooops:0)! Here's a *Legal* question from MAMA*D for goodness gracious sakes. Watch Out:0)!
QUESTION: LISA & BRANDON:0), is an ABD! PET GROOMER required to have *permission* from a Slave to spray any type of *chemical* on the ABD! or other Pets? Also, if they do this WITHOUT *PERMISSION*, and something happens, what are the consequences...legally??

ANSWER: Please keep in mind that we are not lawyers:0), but speaking/barky'n from *experience* as Certified Groomers, some Groom Shops *require* Pet Slaves to sign a *waiver* that releases them from any liability. Most do not, because the chemicals used are usually *safe* for BOTH DOGS & KAT, etc. Some animals have a *higher sensitivity* to chemicals than others do.

There are some people who DO NOT want colognes sprayed on their PETS because of allergies, etc...IF a groomer applies cologne after it has been *requested* that they NOT USE it anyway, usually the shop will offer a FREE RE-BATHE. It would be a good idea to find out what kind of *liability* your groomer carries in the event your PET develops an allergic reaction to ANY chemical. If anything, the shop should at least offer to pay the Vet Bill.

QUESTION: I have an ABD! OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG & her fur is yellowing. It has been suggested that *bleach* be added to the bath water.......is this safe? Or, is there a product out there for that purpose?

ANSWER: I wouldn't suggest using *bleach* in the bath water since it could cause severe skin irritation. Go to your local pet store and purchase a *Whitening Shampoo*. There are several on the market, but I don't know if one is better than the other. Whitening shampoos are usually a deep *purple* color. I also suggest to apply the shampoo straight out of the bottle (DO NOT *DILUTE WITH WATER* and apply it to the YELLOWISH WHITE on the AB*OLD ENGLISH SHEEP DOG & allow it to sit for *FIVE 2 TEN MINUTES*. Then, shampoo as usual and rinse. I hope it helps to brighten and WHITEN HER:0)!!

BRANDON & SLAVE LISA (AB*Certified Groomer)

Hello ALL!

Well, here it is that time again. You know....that time of the year that we all dread.......FLEA Season!!! Yikes!!! My mommy saw ONE on me a few weeks ago already. She rushed to the Vet and bought me and my Kitty*Kats brother and sister some FLEA preventative. We had them bad last year, but if we start our preventative NOW, we won't have to deal with the FLEA *problem* all summer. THAT'S the trick!!!:0)

There are several *different* FLEA preventatives on the market. My mommy has tried most of them, but still prefers the once-a-month FLEA PILL called ~PROGRAM~! For some reason, that is the only one that we've had any luck with. PROGRAM has several pills that go by the weight of the ABD! We found out last year that Kit*Kats can *also* take the *large dog* ~PROGRAM~ instead of the Kit*Kat liquid kind.

We suggest you call your Vet now and GET THE SCOOP on the diff FLEA preventatives available and the one that's best for YOU! We could go on and on about *FLEA SHAMPOOS & DIPS, but trust me:0).....I'm 15 years old and have had a lot of *experience* with FLEAS! And those SHAMPOOS * DIPS just DON'T "Do The Tricky". So......HURRY UP!! What R U Wait'n 4 'cause The FLEAS are coming, THE FLEAS R COMING....RIGHT NOWLLLLL!!!!


If you're a KIT*KAT that might be taking an *oral flea preventative* (or ANY other oral medication) have your mommy or daddy *crush* the pill and mix it with a teaspoon of TUNA. What a treat!! And you'll never be able to tell that there's medication in it!! That trick will also work with finicky ABD!s too!!

Hope you're all FLEA-FREE this Summer!!!:0)! BRAN THE 'MAN':0)!!


P.S. We'll be putting up some cute pictures here for the ABD!PET SALON yawl soon:0)! Uh...just as soon as *I* get the pictures scanned and stuffy, giggle!

UPDATED: 03/03/2006

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