"Small Talk"

Purr Hall of Fame!

Meet the members of the Purr Hall of Fame

These kitties are famous for their titanic size purrs.
Read on and find out why!

Click on the button above each member's name to visit them.

This button signifies our friends who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.
angel kitty

Nishinam, Apple Pie, Autumn Flower, & Sneaky Pie
Nishinam: Meowww, I like playing with the water inside the waterbowl
and splashing all the water around
especially on other cats sitting near by.
That makes me purr furry loud.
Apple Pie: I purr when I sit on Meowmies lap and she hugs and pets me...mraw, I like that furry much.
Autumn Flower: I love it when Meowmie picks me up and carries me around. I always kiss my Meowmie and give her headbutts and furry big purrs and talk to her with a furry squeaky little voice.
Sneaky Pie: I only purr when my Daddy pets me. I love him furry much and he always gives me hugs and lets me lick out his yoghurt cups...purr

Lucille, Stan, & Benjamin
getting fed! and...
When Mommy makes refried beans or when Daddy comes home for lunch and sits on the couch and rubs me. I also purr when I'm in a good mood and someone I like pets me.
Catnip! and...
when Mommy scratches my head or when she lets me drink the water out of the bathtub (we have a whole bathtub Mommy and Daddy don't use that we can drink from if Mommy turns on the faucet!)
I purr whenever I see Stan.

Bridget & Conor Dalton

Bridget purrs especially loud while laying on her meowmie's
chest and they both purr whenever she pets them..
they're just snugglebugs!!

Minnie & Muffin

Minnie and Muffin's mom reports:
Minnie purrs when I am on the computer and she is on my shoulder.
I think she's watching all the other cats,
and as they are in the computer, she is safe.

Muffin purrs when I am combing her long hair,
she hates having a knot or messy hair
and will come to me, nip me on the arm (if I'm not paying attention)
then jump on her stool and purr, waiting for the comb or brush.


Sweet Sadie says...
people with heart, showing the love they have for you.

Katie, Duffy, and Gandalf
Getting comfy between mommy and daddy in bed
makes me purr for hours!
A big bowl of yummy food
or special crunchy treats make me purr.
When mommy picks me up for cuddles
and kisses the top of my head or rubs my tummy.
Nothing else makes me purr, only that!


Smokey's mom says she purrs when:
Curling up in my lap for a snooze,
and also when she comes in the house to visit us.
She starts purring before we even start petting her.
She's got a great purr!

Ned & Alex

What makes us purr is when our mom comes home from work and gives us both a big hug...we go purrr crazy! Fank mew furry much!


Mickey's mom shares what makes her little girl purr:
kisses on her belly when I wake her up. I put my head on her, and she's singing like a little violin!

Whisky & Bambi

Whisky only purrs very quietly, you can't hear it :-))) But he always purrs when his meowmie strokes him and kisses him. When she touches him on the chin, she can feel the big purrrs! *smile*

And Bambi always purrs at the same moments, but not quietly :-)) Very loud :-))


The welcome ceremony in the evenings when meowmie, Annette, comes back home from work

Scully & Fox
Fox really purrs if he gets a chance to run into the shower stall before us humans get a chance to shut the shower door after our shower!!! He loves to play in the water and he loves to have his meowmee brush his teeth.
Scully purrs, and cooooo's at the same time, whenever she has a toy with a human on the other end of the toy!!!

The Texas Pepper Gang
Abby -- loves to be brushed
Zoe -- one special spot under her chin
Molly -- sitting on lid of toilet with the heat lamp running
Pooh -- lying in front of a roaring fire
Sammy -- being anywhere near my daughter, Cassie

Zena, Scraps, & Bonique
Zena purrs when she has catnip or when mom rubs her hind end right above her tail or under her chin!
She is really the purr machine of da house here and purrs sometimes when she gets brushed too.
Neek purrs when her mom rubs the side of her face.
Scraps purrs when her mom rubs her belly right after she wakes up from a catnap or sometimes when mom picks her up.

Bo purred every time I picked him up when I would get home, then he'd put his paws around my neck and shower me with kitty kisses! Bo would purr himself to sleep every night when I'd rub his belly.

girl kitties and Dog's site of course!

Jasmine, Chipit, & Chocolate
When mom strokes her along the sides of her neck, she instantly purrrrrs.
When mom strokes her all along the length of her body, she instantly purrrrrs (and drools a lot, too!)
When mom strokes her under her chin, she instantly purrrrrs.

Oh! What makes me purr the most is when Mommy and Daddy pet me at the same time! I just lay on my side and one of them rubs my back while the other one rubs my tummy....puuuurrrrrr...such heaven!

Lonesome, Tux, Larry, Curly, moe, Dot-Dot, Dee-Jay, Shorty, and Nay Nay
Lonesome: Rubbing his daddy's socked feet. It's just like "catnip" to him.
Tux: Nursing his "Meom's" old satin pajama top!
Larry: Everything... just speaking his name sets him off!
Curly: Getting belly rubs!
Moe & Shorty: When their people talk baby "kitty" talk to them.
Dot-Dot: Playing "peep-eye" when he hides under rugs, covers & things.
Dee-Jay: Getting his belly rubbed while he's upside down!
Nay Nay: Everything, especially getting her belly rubbed!

Natasha, Sabrina, Al-E-Cat, Kiwi, Star & Georgie
Natasha: She's famous for her morning wake up purrrs.
Sabrina: She purrrs when she's brushed all over.
Al-E-Cat: All you have to do is call his name and he purrrs like crazy!
Kiwi: A workout on Mom's favourite afghan.
Star: A toasty spot in front of the fireplace makes me purrr with delight.
Georgie: The morning ritual of make up the cat in the bed.

Princess Hope
Oh, so many things....my papa when he rubs my chin in the morning. And my Momma when I settle down on her tummy for a long nap. Oh yes, and my new treats! I love those!

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