"You're My Best Friend"

Welcome to the Dog's House

I guess you've been wondering, what's up with a cat named Dog?!
Well, let me tell you all about it!


Hi, I'm a seven year old Tabby cat named Dog.
Better known in these parts as the "furry fury!
frisky cat!

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do not pass go... click below!
My Funny Face

In 1993, my dad came and plucked me out of a barn near Toledo, Ohio. I was the runt of the litter, and dad just knew right away that I was the pick of the pack!
I was a gift to mom, who was moving in with us a couple of weeks later. At first mom was mad at dad because she didn't get to help pick me out. It all worked out though, because the minute I met her, I ran up on her lap and bit her ear. It was love at first "bite!!!"

My hobbies include:

  • sitting on the television (impersonating a knick knack)
  • answering the telephone (even though I don't have much to say!)
  • waking my parents up hours before the alarm clock rings &
  • watching General Hospital and WWF wrestling...
    All of this in between naps!

    napping cat

    Fun Facts about me!
    My favorite food is corn on the cob.
    Approximately two minutes after mom has gone to bed, I stampede up the stairs and pounce wildly, aiming directly for the cranial or abdominal areas of anyone sleeping!
    My favorite toy is a green reindeer named Rudy, but I'm also crazy about little plastic caps.
    Whenever I hear a hair dryer, I come running. I'm not a girlie cat, I just like the warmth!Dog gets a blow dry!
    I was named Dog because dad wanted a dog, but mom wanted a cat. In the spirit of compromise, they got a cat and named me Dog!
    My nicknames are "Diggie" and "Captain Fuzzy."
    Lately, mom's been calling me Mr. Fuzzy Pants.
    She seems to find this quite amusing, but I'm not sure what to make of it!
    If you make the smoochie noise, watch out... You'll get a big sloppy kitty kiss!
    It gets the girls every time!

This is my self portrait that I've just completed for
the CLAW Art Guild.
self portrait

I'm an official judge for Runtell's Amazing Kitty Contest!
Click on my photo to find out more or to enter your amazing cat!
judge Dog!

Meet the new addition to my family!

Mom says I've been spending way too much time
on the computer lately,
so I've decided to adopt a cyber kitty
to watch over my site.
In keeping with the strange pet name tradition in my family,
I've decided to name him Frog!

Please extend a big, warm welcome to Dog's Frog.


adoption certificate

I promis Madame Alto that I'll take very good care
of him in his new home!

I won this special prize playing the picture game at
Creatures of the Zelda Moon!
picture game prize

I helped Darwin find his toy!

Click here and you can get one too!

Read all about my adventures at...
The Dog Diaries

I'm constantly updating my pages, so make sure you stop back to find out what I've been up to!


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