"My Girl"

Coco's Page!

Meet my new cousin!

Whenever my grandma comes to visit me she talks about getting a kitty...

So her sneaky children presented her with a fuzzy surprise on Christmas morning!
As you can see, it was quite a surprise indeed!
big surprise fur grandma!

But who wouldn't react that way if they saw this little face?!
Coco's first day at home

Grandma thought all day and all night about what to name her and decided that because she was so sweet, she would call her Coco. It didn't take long for my new cousin to get into her frisky mode!
Coco is a wild thing!

Fun Facts about Coco!
She's six months old and is a pure bred Maine Coone kitty.
Coco loves to eat sweets!
She'll attack anyone eating candy, cake, or cookies and try to snatch away their tasty treat!
Once you're finished she performs an astonishing crumb patrol too!
Her favorite toys are little fuzzy mice that we affectionately refer to as "rat boys"
She loves to cuddle with her mom, but when dad is on the computer,
she likes to sneak up and start pounding away at the keyboard!

Grandma's been a maniac with the camera, so be sure to stop back soon for Coco's very own photo album!



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