"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"

Are you a Certified Cat Addict?

To find out, all you have to do is answer the following questions. If you answer yes to one or more, you are a bonified, certifiable cat addict!

1.) Do you take pride in the fact that all of the neighborhood children call you "that crazy cat lady"?

2.) Do you often use the can opener as a cat location device?

3.) Do you ALWAYS choose greeting cards, gift wrap, etc. featuring pictures of cats?

4.) Do you call home while on vacation just to leave messages on the answering machine for your cat to hear?

5.) Do you rearrange your furniture just so the cat can have the best vantage point to see out of the window?

6.) Do you whip out the wallet sized cat photos in your purse when everyone is showing off their children's pictures?

7.) Do you change the words to songs you hear on the radio to include your cat's name?

8.) Do you make your bed around the cat instead of moving kitty to a different location?

9.) Do you let the sink drip just because it's fun to watch the cat lick the faucet?

10.) Do you keep a vigil at the front door during cookouts just to make sure the cat doesn't escape?

If you've answered yes to any of these thought provoking questions, feel free to take the certificate below and display it proudly!

Cat Addict Certificate

Please link your certificate back to this page so that others may address this serious addiction!



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