Hannah's Wonderful World-Page 1

Contrary to what that smelly dog thinks I find that I am quite a nice cat. After all, I do allow him to live in MY HOUSE. But, he is a canine and thus not smart enough to realize this. So, I let him bark and act scary. Mom has been known to say that Darkie is an awesome watch dog, he would watch the robbers take the vcr, the tv, and then be kind enough to remind them that they forgot the microwave.

This is one of the first pics taken of me. That is my cousin, Peanut, with me. My mom lived in a quadroplex and the lady next to her was a little ummmm "out of it". She, also, happened to be my first owner. I'm not really sure just how old I am but I know I was born in the summer of '94. Anyway, my first owner was in and out of what they call mental health homes, and well, she had to go back to one so her family put me and a bag of cat litter between mom's door and screen door. I was stuck in this little space waiting for heaven only knew what. I was very lucky that mom took one look at me and brought me into her life.

Shortly after "inheriting" me mom moved from Texas to Nebraska so I stayed with my cousin Peanut's family until mom had found us a place. I hated the drive up from Texas to here but I sat quietly on the dashboard of my Aunt Susan's car all the way here. ALL TEN LONG DANG HOURS!

Mom, highly believes in keeping us girls indoors (I have a sister, Ashton, you'll see her on her own pages). We sit in the huge bay windows of our house and watch the cars and big rigs fly by and I know why. Sometimes Ashton thinks we should get out and get those birds in the trees, but I don't want to. I am content to stay inside my nice warm house.

While I am admittedly my mom's cat, once in a great while I like to sneak into Jaa's room and make sure he is okay. In all reality, I am the Head animal around here so I have to keep an eye on all the little ones, even the humans. And, yes, even that smelly dog.
Okay, mom is going to help me build a second page cause she says people get annoyed with pages that take forever to open. Or, if you are ready you can head back home and see Ashton's pages, or Heaven forbid, choose that dogs pages. Of course, I would absolutely love it if you would sign my guestbook.

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