Dark's First Page

Ever heard the story that has a child begging the parent: "Oh, please, please, please!! I swear I'll take care of him, and feed him, and walk him, and play with him!" Well, in February of 1997 my little human did just that to his mommy. And, well, look at me, wasn't I so darn adorable? How could she refuse when there were two sets of eyes begging her. My little human's and mine.

So, she caves and here we are today(got kinda big didn't i? i was suppose to be fairly little). Don't kid yourself, shortly after I moved in I became my mommy's possesion and as with all kids I lost my appeal to the little one. Not to say he doesn't love me. We play tons and tons, they let me off my leash and Jaa, my little one, and I rip and tear for hours on end in the fields behind our house. However, the "yucky" chores have definetely fallen into my mommy's lap. But she says that is okay cause she loves me, too.

Of course, we have to send out thanks to my mommy's landlord because she wasn't suppose to have animals when she moved in but he let her bring her cats with her since she refused to get rid of the hairballs, and then a year after being a model renter her she comes with me, and he let her. We know not all landlords are so nice so we got to send some Coodos his way for being so awesome. Otherwise, no telling where I may have ended up.

A note from my mommy: My family has always owned dogs. I was always personally a cat lover and as much as I enjoyed the dogs, well, much like my son I played with them but never had to take care of them. Thus, when I got my own place I swore I would not own a dog. We see I broke my own cardnal rule, took five years before I did though. However, for those of you deciding on getting a dog I would like to caution you. Dark brought back all the reasons I hated dogs, you have to let them in and out, you have to walk them, play and cuddle with them. In other words, plan on spending quality time with them. I do the same with my cats but everyone knows they don't need quite the same amount of time that dogs require from us. We own our dogs, they idolize us, and can turn quite mean protecting us and our loved ones, they do it for a small tiny amount of attention, so give it to them. They deserve it!

Okay, mommy says I can build another page to put more pics up on so that this one doesn't take so long to open. Or, if you want to go back to the start and go see those furrballs you can do that, too. Ashton isn't too bad, but that Hannah is one snobby cat. Mommy says I should be glad that Hannah even let's me in her house, but Ashton plays with me. Hannah just glares at me. It's okay though, I get her, shhh don't tell mommy but I know that because I sleep under mommy's bed that Hannah won't come in there at night. SO THERE HANNAH!

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