A little about me!

Hi! I'm Ashton. Cute aren't I? Modesty is not one of my stronger points. But, hey, that isn't necessarily a bad thing in meow eyes. I am tail to toe an alley cat. I had the normal beginnings of one, also. Born to a single mom the father no where to be found I was taken in by a couple who didn't even keep me for 2 months before they had to move. I was then taken by a friend of theirs. This woman was the type of person who liked us while we were cute kittens but not as we got older.

At first, my second owner was really cool. We did alot of traveling. She always took me to see a really cool kid that gave me tons of loving. After awhile it seemed that I would be left there for a couple days at a time. One day when she came back the boy's mom put her foot down and said "no" she is my son's cat now. I didn't realize they were fighting over me. I just ran and hid. I heard the mom one saying that my owner was irresponsible and she would not watch another innocent pet be destroyed from one of love to one of hate by this woman's in..con..sis..tent (big word huh?) care. Anyway, this time when my owner left she didn't come back.

At first, I didn't understand what the big deal was. Now, as I sit in our big bay windows soaking up the sun I see other cats wondering around outside. Hannah, the big cat, tells me that is how I would have ended up if my second owner had kept me. Sometimes when there is big white snow stuff outside I see them and just meow happily and go give my boy a purr or two to let him know how happy I am that they have brought me in. My life is really easy. I eat, sleep, play with Hannah, and I even play with Darkie. He is really cool even if Hannah doesn't like him.

I have a couple more pics on my second page. But I am not sure what else I have to tell. Guess you'll have to go see!!!!!!

Well, I am, also, a new member of the

Mom says this is because her son, Jaa, spoils me rotten.

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