
Read the requirements of each and then decide which one(s) you want to go for. Then email me your name, email and url and I will check out your page. Make sure you read the requirements carefully. If the colors of the award you get doesn't match with your page (white background/black letters, you have a black background, just let me know and I will try to change it. Thanks.


**For All Awards: All the pages must be family-friendly and you cannot have anything promoting harm to animals, children or anything else. When you submit your page, if it has any of this, I will automatically delete your message and will not even consider it.**

**You can apply for one or all of them.**
**To apply, fill out the form at the very end of this page.**


Kathleen's Dog Page Award

1. The page must be about dogs.
2. It cannot be all links. It must have some content.

3. It should have good design, easy to navigate.




The I'm a Mutt and Proud of It Award

1. Must be a page about your dog.
2. Your dog must be a Mutt.
3. He/She must be PROUD to be a mutt!!!







What did I do? Award

1. Must be a page about your dog.
2. Your dog must be a destructive, playful, sometimes bad dog.
3. To win this, you must send me a written description of what things your dog has done to prove to me that your dog is worthy. This publication will be printed for everybody to see. For an example,
read the story of my dog and the Barbie doll.



Help us stop the cruelty award

1. The page can be about any animals, not just dogs.
2. It can have other things on it but if you have a main page and a pet mills or something page off of it, submit the second page.
3. It cannot have anything that suggests that animal cruelty is good.
4. Your page should contain at least one of the following:

5. The more of the above you have, the better.


The Amazing Dog Award

1. Your page must be about dogs.
2. Your dog must have done something amazing or be helping out others.
3. Any of the following is acceptable, but is not limited to the following:







Please describe your website

Which award are you applying for?


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All rights reserved.