Checkmate's CockerCondo:
A Rescued Cocker Spaniel

some words about seniors

dogs we remember

Dog photo


This website is dedicated to the memory of my sweet Checkmate (pictured on the right), who came into our lives June 28th, 1998 at the age of twelve years as a rescue dog.

He left us to go to the Rainbow Bridge June 15th, 1999, 3 days short of his 13th birthday.

When Checkmate came to us, I knew we were doing a good thing by giving a "throw-away" dog a 2nd chance. Even though I have experience with cocker spaniels (Buddy, on the left, had "owned" us for 10+ years), I was unprepared for the world of the rescued older dog. Checkmate had been asked to start all over again after 11+ years. He brought along some baggage.

This website is the result of all we learned in the eleven short months Checkmate graced our home. We've done homework in an attempt to compile a "what next?" type of owners manual for the rescued older dog: a creature that may have been abused or neglected and is definitely confused and scared. We also have pages on some of the health and psychology issues that older dogs face.

We hope to furnish you with information as you begin your new life together with your new "Best Friend". Check back frequently, we constantly expand and update.

red rose

Checkmate was a rescue dog, we found him on the Internet,
and now we want to continue his legacy by getting the word out
about other homeless animals via this website.

We hope to help adopted animals settle into their new homes and easily and quickly as possible.


Click on the links at the top of this page to learn about
how you can adopt someone like Checkmate,
or learn about Checkmate's family,
or visit some other cool cocker/canine links

we've also included links on
what to expect when you adopt a rescue dog and
how to make your new best friend feel welcome and grooming tips ...

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Checkmate's CockerCondo.
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