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Hi My Name Is Tess!

And This is my Angels Place!

Well I was born December 3rd, 1997. And I started out great! My brothers and sisters weren't as lucky. Only Peluchi and I survived. My Mom Annie, had Mastitis so she couldn't feed us. So my human Mom had to feed us with a eyedropper. Well what can I say, it is hard to go to THAT from the real thing! So I decided wasn't going to eat out of that thing! Then all of a sudden I found something just as good. My Mom would drip the formula down her ear lobe and I would suck it off...Cool huh! It's hard to tell from this picture, but I was born with a spot right on top of my head. Mom says it looks like a Halo and it's because I am a Angel!
So she decided to name me Sweet Angel Baby Tess, After Della Reese's character on Touched By An Angel.
Well I don't have to tell you how honored I felt to be named after her!
So Mom decided to write to her and let her know about her namesake.
Well to our surprise she wrote back and I wanted to share this with all of you!

Dear Valerie,

Thank you for your e-mail. It is wonderful to know that my music and television show, "Touched By An Angel", have blessed your life. Our show is successful because of people just like you. We would not make it without the love and support of our fans.

I appreciate your taking the time to let me know how you feel. And that sweet baby has my name. I have 6 wonderful puppies that are very special to me. So it's an honor to have one of your babies named for my character. May God richly bless you in all your endeavors. I am sending you an autographed picture.

Della Reese

Well I got so excited it just tuckered me out! Time for a nap!

See my Halo now?

Great News in late December I am expecting my own Angels! Be sure to visit Our Hideout too!


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