Harold Robert Minkus


Although he is gone from my sight I know he will
always be right here beside me in my heart. To help me
through all my tough times, to guide me, to be right here
beside me. He left me only in body. He will now be my
angel to watch over me and guide me through my life.

So when you're feeling down and you think no one is
around, just look up and say a prayer. It is then that he
will be there to help you through these times. So do not
shed a tear because he is not here. If you must shed a
tear, then shed a happy tear, for he will always be here.
For now he is my angel to watch over me from the heavens

Author Unknown

My Dad

July 9, 1922 - December 9, 1998



Dad was the first of 3 brothers and was born in Caledonia, Michigan.

1937 Graduation

1937 - Graduation from Junior High School
Dad is in the top row - left corner

1941 Graduation

1941 - Graduation from High School

1937 Year Book

Taken from the Class Year Book

Dad was a hard working man - often times he worked 2 jobs at the beginning
to support a wife and 4 kids. He would work days at Lockheed as a draftsman
and nights at McDonalds -I remember those hamburgers, fries and shakes
he would bring home.

During my school years, Dad was very supportive - often helping me with my homework,
particularly math. He was also an avid reader (which continued until his death)
and was instrumental in instilling in me the love of books.

Dad & I

This was taken at a local horse show that had become
an annual event for Dad and myself.

My DadMy Dad

This is the last car acquired by Dad just before retirement.

Dad retired from Lockheed Corp and went on to work for Rockwell Corp -
also as a draftsman. He retired from Rockwell in 1987.

car picture

His whole life, Dad loved old cars. I remember going with him several times
to antique car exibitions. He collected many books and calandars of old cars.
This is a picture he had hanging on his bedroom wall.


After retirement, Dad volunteered at his church Bookstore.
This was given in appreciation of his work.

Birthday CardBirthday Card

This is the last Birthday Card I received from Dad.
He knew how much I liked cats....

In the end, Dad had also become my best friend. A person I could talk to
about anything, who was non-judgemental. In a sense, when he died I
lost two people; my Dad and my best friend.

Dad died of a massive heart attack at his home he bought in 1955.

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