With heavy hearts; and a tear in our eyes
after all these years; we must say goodbye
Please understand; we've done all we could
if there was anything we could do; you know we would

I'm sitting right here; gently rub your ears
while I talk to you softly; trying to hold back the tears
The memories you gave us; we'll never forget
especially the ones; of the day we all met

One last hug; and one last kiss
you have no idea; how much you'll be missed
To look into your eyes; this one last time
you tell me it's ok; you know it's your time

Close your eyes now; and go to sleep
we'll pray to the Lord; you're soul he'll keep
Go in peace now; our good friend
we'll stay right here with you; until the end

Dream of that special day and time
when we'll meet at the Bridge; and all will be fine
We'll run and play; side by side
with a soft warm feeling; deep down inside

Your memory will live on; in each one of us
you'll always be number 1; to all of us
Have a safe journey; through the night
I promise when you awake; you'll be in God's light

So with heavy hearts; and tears in our eyes
just for now my friend; we say goodbye

by John Quealy


3/1/88 (?) - 7/17/99

He was found as a kitten up in a tree and quickly captured my heart. Winston was a sleeping buddy of mine, always on the pillow next to my head.
Sleep softly dear Winston - you will be missed more then you know!!

Mai Tai

1/1/85 (?) - 7/12/99

He followed a neighbor's kid home from school. No owner was ever found until me.
Mai-Tai also holds a special place in my heart. I once adopted him out to new owners but he raised such a fuss I took him back - never to part again.
Mai-Tai was also one of my special sleeping buddies, always on my right side.
Until we meet again Mai-Tai, sleep softly. I love and miss you!

3/1/86 (?) - 1/16/99
Gizmo was a neat cat - very sweet and affectionate.
I will miss you a great deal Gizmo.

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